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LA tax trial after summer PPVU

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

As I’m sure many of you have noticed a new presence on Cyrene since May 2022: BIG Industries. We’re more than happy to have their services here on the planet with SSI and events at Carnap’s Landing.

Now that we are getting serious with BIG, we will be introducing a trial tax to the Carnap’s Landing Land Area of 4% for hunting starting after the next PPVU date to be announced.

To be crystal clear: any and all taxes collected from Carnap’s Landing Land Area will go directly to BIG for their events and SSI. NONE of the tax revenue will go to anyone from Planet Cyrene, staff or otherwise.

This, like everything else on Planet Cyrene, is something that we’ll keep an eye on.


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Sandal San Tolk
Do you foresee that this could be made permanent at some point in time, or do you consider selling the landarea directly if someone were interested? If not, what factors could bring about a change of mind? I'm only asking because the fact that certain upgrade parts can only be farmed there has implications.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Do you foresee that this could be made permanent at some point in time, or do you consider selling the landarea directly if someone were interested?

Right now it's just experimental, and toggling on and off the tax became confusing for players out of the loop. I don't foresee the sale of this LA anytime soon.

If not, what factors could bring about a change of mind? I'm only asking because the fact that certain upgrade parts can only be farmed there has implications.

I couldn't say what would make us reconsider at this point in time. If this does go longer then of course we'd make sure that there would be a happy middle ground. We don't want to alienate anyone, while still supporting the initiatives BIG is doing on the planet.



Sandal San Tolk
Thank you! I think a likely point of contention would be if people invested in gathering the rare materials suddenly found their economic base changed by the tax and not having a choice. If permanent tax or a sale were ever on the table, these things should be moved out to other locations so that such exclusivity does not become a leading factor to attract potential buyers for the land area. This would cause extremely negative reactions.

Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
Thank you! I think a likely point of contention would be if people invested in gathering the rare materials suddenly found their economic base changed by the tax and not having a choice. If permanent tax or a sale were ever on the table, these things should be moved out to other locations so that such exclusivity does not become a leading factor to attract potential buyers for the land area. This would cause extremely negative reactions.

Should this ever be the case, the LA would be reworked so buyers don't hold exclusivity over a set of mobs and or rare materials.

As of right now, as Kris stated, this is just a trial run to see how things work out. If it becomes something that is kept we will be creating a new area with the mechs in a none taxed location.

I also want to point out that the 4% isn't a static number either, meaning its not the final percentage it can be adjusted down.
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Active Member
this is a joke i believe, warp cost is 7-8 ped...and organizing is just a way of saying u do something from time to time,

more to it, if a rotated scheduled event was the main purpose that could've been done with the cyrene natives, i m sure are there more than enough to do it, for free and just for the fun part, but no1 asked anyone if they wanted to do that, gimme the LA for a year and i can profit too, or give it to anyone for what is worth, why BIG?

if the lack of events was the issue i m sure and agree on the fact that are out here many many ideas, but like any other good idea will set dust somewhere on this forum

to be clear:
- i wont ever hunt on LA, ( if is not 100% i get what i m looking for ) it doesn't matter what EFF/DPS or DPP i have ( and i can say i m using top weapons this game can provide )
- i went on RT to summon a Dhampyre for my last order where i had to kill 10k Werewolfs Leaders - 1160 HP - on a 5% tax LA - and i used Nano Blade Modified enhanced with 50% more dps at 86.5% EFF, and after 5k kills i was down 5k peds for a deal of 4k ped / dhampyre.. having the order and knowing i reach the end after the 10k kills....i cannot tell the pressure i was on by keeping my word to the buyer to deliver what i assumed
- i wish GL and really wish this to anyone who want to farm something on a LA, ...anything, doesnt matter what because 10k kills is a pity amount of HP/cost compared to something u have no idea u will get it after 30-40k kills, u dont finish a mission, u fish for something that might be there or might be not
- yeah is a bad advertising, i know cause is a bad business for a player no matter how u look at it
- i never encountered a LA owner to do the math taking consideration the welfare of players...EVER

- most of the players dont have 96% return, adding 4% more to this will drop the return to 91-92%..in the best case scenario
- if the mobs on LA will hold the necessary elements to upgrade the Imperium armor and the platings, u can consider me skipping the cyrene for most of that ..in few words bye bye ROOT/Big Bird/ or Mech's...and who knows what else
- i wont fall for it, the tax is way way to much to meet the effort, on Caly are sometimes 1% tax on LA owned by LG cycling, and i was one of those who was part of it, and since the spiders is the most valuable land the LG can provide to date, the 1% is considered to much sometimes to hunt there
- who is that one who wouldn't want to owe the goldmine for imperium elements just for so called "their services here on the planet with SSI and events at Carnap’s Landing" ? .....for free
- lol

Instead of this i would have been surprised to see devs putting an effort, or give access to a chosen few dedicated players to use an official acc with bond items to heal players or summon things when devs cannot ( idk if this is possible but could be something)

I would have been surprised to see something to make a competition to migration, or to mayhems to not be having this discussion by lending an LA for free to have some activity.

On a good note i saw the drop rate for imperium parts improved during migration, but i have this feeling is something temporary, linked to migration itself.


Active Member
oh, and btw, lets make a small experiment

1) give the LA to BIG ( make ALL shared and bait the most constant player base this game has )

2) but make 5 spawns extra outside the LA with this ( make NON shared )
- one ROOT anywhere u want, in a pit or whatever place
- one spawn with 12 mobs Mech LTD
- one spawn with 12 mobs Mech SLE
- one spawn with 12 mobs Mech DLX
- one spawn with 6 Big Bird

and see what's happening, how much BIG can pull to organize ppl to do something on 4% tax

i know the answer anyway, but i let other skeptics to see that

Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
The mobs currently that aren't apart of the LA itself are:
-Big Birds

The plan moving forward should the tax stay at what ever amount it will be at this is the plan moving forward:
  • ROOT and Big Birds will never be part of the LA and it will remain that way.
  • The mechs will have two different spawn locations:
    • Current spawns already in the LA
    • 2 new spawns for each rank (10 mobs per each rank) located outside the LA in a none taxed zone.
Why BIG?
Simply put, they are a company that have been doing events on other planets with an event structure already in place and we wanted to see how things would go on Cyrene with scheduled events.

Why not Cyrene natives?
To be honest most that have approached us about wanting to do events on the LA haven't been wanting to do them without the LA deed in their hands. It comes down to trust and handing over our only LA deed to a player, no matter their reputation, isn't something the heads of CKA are interesting in doing.

As another note, the trial phase date will be pushed back until after the next PPVU so that players can more clearly see how and where the mobs will be located.

We get that not everyone is a fan of taxed LA in general and we want to try and find a good medium ground for both players, BIG, and ourselves. So as long as this topic remains constructive lets keep this conversation going. :goodbee:


Active Member
The mobs currently that aren't apart of the LA itself are:
-Big Birds

The plan moving forward should the tax stay at what ever amount it will be at this is the plan moving forward:
  • ROOT and Big Birds will never be part of the LA and it will remain that way.
  • The mechs will have two different spawn locations:
    • Current spawns already in the LA
    • 2 new spawns for each rank (10 mobs per each rank) located outside the LA in a none taxed zone.

oh that is a good news, i had in plan to farm those perfected comps after migration and i was bit sad at first

Why BIG?
Simply put, they are a company that have been doing events on other planets with an event structure already in place and we wanted to see how things would go on Cyrene with scheduled events.

As another note, the trial phase date will be pushed back until after the next PPVU so that players can more clearly see how and where the mobs will be located.

We get that not everyone is a fan of taxed LA in general and we want to try and find a good medium ground for both players, BIG, and ourselves. So as long as this topic remains constructive lets keep this conversation going. :goodbee:

fair point :)

Why not Cyrene natives?
To be honest most that have approached us about wanting to do events on the LA haven't been wanting to do them without the LA deed in their hands. It comes down to trust and handing over our only LA deed to a player, no matter their reputation, isn't something the heads of CKA are interesting in doing.

100% agree
Tho, a solution to make them usable is the same way LA owned by socs thru LG are owned, is a leyout already in place only to make it work somehow
Why i wanted to see diff management was to let others who otherwise would not have a chance to manage an LA but they could bring something new and also some will figure out many things that are linked to the profit/loss, it is an unique experience.
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