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Wish List Landing Pads needed

Few Scars

Hi Dev team

Sometimes with MindArks great bug of not allowing VTOLs and QUADs to spawn on near flat ground makes it very hard to find a spot to spawn and take off.

Can you please put two landing pads near each of the main TPs, which will make it easier for players to find the spots where they can spawn their vehicles.



Active Member
Interestingly enough, it seems the Lancer is even more finicky about spawning points than even a quad, though it's smaller in size.

So yes, I certainly support more landing pads.

dale johnson

New Member
Yes please. IT doesnt actually have to be an ugly landing pad, but a roof top, a clear/flat peice of land and a way of getting to those spots. Maybe even a marker in town telling people where it is would be great. How many times have i landed in trees? too many


Well-Known Member
i agree, somewhat, maybe.

for landing i just jump and die so thats not really an issue.

but taking off form arc head quaters is a pain, along with some other places. Altough walking a few hundred steps also solves that issuse.

but as i posted in a previous post.

as more missions are completed the land areas are going to change so my thoughts would be that the clearing of some trees and flatening of some land would be part of the changes as the areas are "developed".

a nice feature would be some kind of "status bar" reflecting level? missions or what ever effects dynamic land areas so a push could be made, i believe this would be useful when/if players are aloud to choose a faction to support or fight against. but i dont really know.

so much to read so little time :p