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Official Cyrene Event Late Holiday Event Spawn 2020

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Late Event Spawn Forum Graphic.jpg

We're happy to announce that today the event spawn is now live!

It's a mix of Jolly Lurkers and Jolly Jellyworms located southwest of the Panton TP, here:

Event Spawn Location.JPG

We know it's a bit late so this event will run from now until the end of the month: January 31st 2020 at 23:59:59 server time instead of the normal holiday limit.

Good luck, have fun and thank you for playing on Planet Cyrene.



MindArk has adjusted the respawn rate of these event mobs, increased the amount higher level mobs, and added two additional spawn areas.

Happy hunting!

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