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Bug Report Lets get the bug thread started


tradeable = MU for unranked players
Non-tradeable = prevents socs grinding and passing them to a single player who sits 24/7 in the hub

while I see where you are coming from with this I don't think it is a good solution. I've been on this mission for years now but skyshatters and lava Golems are out of my range. If i'm going to want to hunt those i'm going to need a team. making the vouchers bound would just ensure more rewards for strong players and leave weaker ones with nothing.

Sorry i'm not skilling up as fast as others but i'm active and I shouldn't be punished just cause of my skills

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
while I see where you are coming from with this I don't think it is a good solution. I've been on this mission for years now but skyshatters and lava Golems are out of my range. If i'm going to want to hunt those i'm going to need a team. making the vouchers bound would just ensure more rewards for strong players and leave weaker ones with nothing.

Sorry i'm not skilling up as fast as others but i'm active and I shouldn't be punished just cause of my skills
sry, i meant by making them more common, was meant in all mob loot tables. Any mob that has a ARC faction mission get a chance to drop a token, similar to the Totems


sry, i meant by making them more common, was meant in all mob loot tables. Any mob that has a ARC faction mission get a chance to drop a token, similar to the Totems

oh i'm not pissy just mad at myself for choosing mind force to skill rather then another weapon. thank goodness we are suppose to be getting MF amps. but still MF doesn't offer the range and dmg that laser and blp do so i'm sadly behind on those and the dmg I can do.

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
oh i'm not pissy just mad at myself for choosing mind force to skill rather then another weapon. thank goodness we are suppose to be getting MF amps. but still MF doesn't offer the range and dmg that laser and blp do so i'm sadly behind on those and the dmg I can do.
understandable totally, MF is one of the coolest looking weapons and potentially the most fun. but totally forgotten until now. im guessing MF amps will be this years migration DNA reward.

i do wonder what you amp tho, implant or chip


Active Member
wonder if this little bug affects all planets or just Calypso...

(turn volume off since it's just background noise that was on in the room when video was recorded)

originally wasn't going to post about it since it's sort of a funny little bug, but then I got to thinking that if this thing causes server lag or memory leaks when a lot of folks start doing it maybe it's something that needs to addressed.

Wonder if there's a max limit on how many clones there can be doing this thing til you get a crash to desktop experience.
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Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
wonder if this little bug affects all planets or just Calypso...

(turn volume off since it's just background noise that was on in the room when video was recorded)

(originally wasn't going to post about it since it's sort of a funny little bug, but then I got to thinking that if this thing causes server lag or memory leaks when a lot of folks start doing it maybe it's something that needs to addressed.)
at first i thought it was the auctioneer reloading, then i saw the multi pets spawning ;) how weird


Active Member
wonder if this little bug affects all planets or just Calypso...

(turn volume off since it's just background noise that was on in the room when video was recorded)

originally wasn't going to post about it since it's sort of a funny little bug, but then I got to thinking that if this thing causes server lag or memory leaks when a lot of folks start doing it maybe it's something that needs to addressed.

Wonder if there's a max limit on how many clones there can be doing this thing til you get a crash to desktop experience.

I think it happens because when you enter auction house or whatever it's called, all the players inside it including all stuff in it, gets loaded all at once on your end, depending on your ping to server you may get a delayed reaction, thus when you press dismiss pet in the auction house, and quickly run out, your first pet doesn't have enough time to dismiss it self, then when you quickly spawn another it looks like you get extra pet, though i'd like a confirmation if this is merely visual for your end or if other players actually see your other extra pets.

If it's visual only on your end it shouldn't affect the servers, only your own FPS.


Active Member
It is not new, it happened to me before I've left the game (so before July 2016), although I haven't try to duplicate it, only had one extra pet; I can also confirm it is visible by others since I called for someone at that time to show it to him. :)

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
while im logging missions i found a text error
maze blitz diag.jpg
maze blitz.jpg

Dialog says 15 and mission says 10

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

By the way, the vendor 3 will be stocked with this VU ?

I will check with them again about this.

So most annoying bug is the server lags, but i saw you, you saw it.

I have no recollection of this ><

It hasn't start right now but since a while there's much lags on cyrene. System failed up to 6 times in a row and often.

I will specific that isn't from me and i'm not the only one that experience it. I have good setup, 500MB connexion, low ping and so on, and anyway, on other planets i do not encounter this issue (or very rare).

So, where is your serv localisation ? If have nothing to do with place, maybe it's time for a upgrade imo. If isn't you who host and it is MA, it would seem you're in a low priority serv. :shoot:

It's really annoying, make you die or the person you heal cause of so many failed. It's periodic at some hours it's all good. Please fix it asap :)

I know that when the servers went live, they limited the amount of players getting on at the start, and as far as I know all the servers (READ: Entropia Game servers) are all at the same location. I haven't expierenced any lag in the past, even on the test server even when logging in from Thailand.

Has anyone else experienced these issues?

About bugs : Nanocube are still not on the trade terminal

These will make it back in for the next update. Is there anything else that should be in the TT but is missing on Cyrene?

wonder if this little bug affects all planets or just Calypso...

originally wasn't going to post about it since it's sort of a funny little bug, but then I got to thinking that if this thing causes server lag or memory leaks when a lot of folks start doing it maybe it's something that needs to addressed.

Wonder if there's a max limit on how many clones there can be doing this thing til you get a crash to desktop experience.

This is very interesting, I don't know if MA is aware of this or not, but I'll bring it to their attention now.

Can you keep it this way?
Put some dildos and carpets on lurkers and keep the tokens in proving. :D

I still feel like lurkers deserve a small PvE spot in the Hub. In the future we'll add a mission that makes hunting them outside of the 10% PvP arenas feel better.

while im logging missions i found a text error
View attachment 3066 View attachment 3067
Dialog says 15 and mission says 10

This will be resolved in the next update.

And mission say kill with Maze Hammer but all weapons work

Double for this, but I'll have to test it out to make sure.

Plus Vlad the Unraveler can't be scanned

Triple for this, should be an easy fix since he's a humanoid. Does that mean nobody has seen any of the lore on him?

And, just in case anyone wanted to some of these upcoming bug fixes:

New Portal Area
Portal Area.jpg

New Sky Labs Platformer Box
Skylabs New Box.jpg

New MazeWeaver Box
New MazeWeaver Box.jpg

Please forgive my crude boxes and simple text, just wanted to show a little bit.


P.S. I'm not trying to gloss over the A.R.C. Weapons in regards to the L / UL or the Avatar Bound / Not Bound, just nothing else to share about that yet.

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
New MazeWeaver Box
View attachment 3068

Please forgive my crude boxes and simple text, just wanted to show a little bit.


P.S. I'm not trying to gloss over the A.R.C. Weapons in regards to the L / UL or the Avatar Bound / Not Bound, just nothing else to share about that yet.
When I saw trigger box for the maze I recalled, the red cross is slightly above the ground. Possibly why it fails to trigger and smaller players have to jump


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,
I know that when the servers went live, they limited the amount of players getting on at the start, and as far as I know all the servers (READ: Entropia Game servers) are all at the same location. I haven't expierenced any lag in the past, even on the test server even when logging in from Thailand.

Has anyone else experienced these issues?
I have lag and fails everywhere, but lag is bigger on Cyrene.
Latency has bigger values too, but could be just my network.

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
just a thought, with the Jade Fragment changing role, im pretty certain the one before was TT of 5ped but now is 20pec, losing 4.8ped per fragment we had in storage. should it have changed each fragment for 5 ped's worth of new fragments?