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Let's talk about money


Active Member
As you probably know already if you're reading this blog, Entropia Universe is a different kind of game than (almost) any other MMOs out there, and the main reason for this is because it is a RCE (Real Cash Economy) game, which means that you can, at (almost) any time, freely exchange between game currency and real life currency - as in depositing or withdrawing RL$. From one point of view that makes Entropia a “pay to win” game at its best, where money don’t just make your game easier, but literally give you everything you may want – in-game properties (apartments, houses, shops, land areas), gear (weapons, armors, tools) and even skills; there are actually very few things that a big enough PED card can't buy.

Read the rest of the article on my blog: http://daughterofanarchy.blog.com/my-thoughts/lets-talk-about-money/