Its hard to say they are worth 'x' much. But for you, Id say paying 10 ped / k is fair
I am ready to sell all mine at 8ped/1k
Also in my calulation i already included cost of sweat. It seems that "cheapest" way to get ~1k tokens using two people will cost roughly 10peds (including sweat at 2ped/1k - read my prev post) and 2 hours wasted - but this is doing it highly uneco "speed way" to get them. Of course those are tokens ONLY fro kills not from pickups so beeing there 2 hours will give you more.
Most efficient way to get them is killing the beast - seems that if i would grind the mob and sell at 4ped/1k i would be breaking even (with 60% TT returns) - this does not require almost no time - only some sort of dedication to be there at right times.