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Lime green token, real value



Its hard to say they are worth 'x' much. But for you, Id say paying 10 ped / k is fair :D


I am ready to sell all mine at 8ped/1k ;).

Also in my calulation i already included cost of sweat. It seems that "cheapest" way to get ~1k tokens using two people will cost roughly 10peds (including sweat at 2ped/1k - read my prev post) and 2 hours wasted - but this is doing it highly uneco "speed way" to get them. Of course those are tokens ONLY fro kills not from pickups so beeing there 2 hours will give you more.

Most efficient way to get them is killing the beast - seems that if i would grind the mob and sell at 4ped/1k i would be breaking even (with 60% TT returns) - this does not require almost no time - only some sort of dedication to be there at right times.



Active Member
How do you spawn the beast?
Also killing others, you are assuming that there is nobody else there while you are doing this. Other folks start killing your partner off and that throws the kabosh on your plan, and the chance of getting pickups as well.



How do you spawn the beast?
Also killing others, you are assuming that there is nobody else there while you are doing this. Other folks start killing your partner off and that throws the kabosh on your plan, and the chance of getting pickups as well.


Beast spawns exactly 2 hours after previous one was killed (moment of death of the mob). So if you have time and patence to be the first there to be to kill it you can easily grind it.

As for others interupting. For the few days i was there - 99% time there were only non agressive decoy pickupers or noone at all. I saw ony two times people went in to kill everyone there and leave after 5 minutes... Mayby i was just lucky during those few days there but based on this sample i think that 23hours during day there is no killing action there at all.



Active Member
Falagor, I wish my time was like that. Seems I always get the time the killers are in there. Times shift too it seems when folks show up. I too had some time where it was me and another person, we said hello, they stayed in one half me in the other and we worked together.

I cant say I have ever seen the mob, where exactly does it spawn in the proving grounds? I need to see this.



I cant say I have ever seen the mob, where exactly does it spawn in the proving grounds? I need to see this.


You need to enter the "green rings telepoter" - its oposite wall from the vendors seling guns/clothes for color tokens.

You enter small arena (rectangle with two short coridors leading out) - thats the place where The Beast spawns. There is a efficient way to kill it solo without dying or getting hit once - i will leave you to figure out the trick by yourself ;).
