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Lo0king for Delta or Gamma Zeladoth spawn

I've had the odd Delta spawn at a few locations, but have not found a pure spawn of these. Does one exist?

Also, is there a Gamma spawn other than the one that is full of Kappas?


Well-Known Member
dont think there is a pure spawn of either. there is a spawn with a few more gamma south of mutant jelly spawn i think

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
I've had the odd Delta spawn at a few locations, but have not found a pure spawn of these. Does one exist?

Also, is there a Gamma spawn other than the one that is full of Kappas?

I haven't come across a dedicated spawn of Delta or Gamma but if you can handle Zeta there's a nice spawn west of volcano beach, rare spawn is mix of theta and epsilon.


Active Member
Not exactly what you are looking for, but might be useful.

There is an Epsilon/Zeta spawn @ 127665, 81125 (could be the spawn mentioned by Chief).
And there is a mainly Beta spawn @ 127166, 85691 (near Base Camp Epsilon).
I have also noted a Theta spawn @129360, 77560.
Not exactly what you are looking for, but might be useful.

There is an Epsilon/Zeta spawn @ 127665, 81125 (could be the spawn mentioned by Chief).
And there is a mainly Beta spawn @ 127166, 85691 (near Base Camp Epsilon).
I have also noted a Theta spawn @129360, 77560.

Thanks again to both you and chief. Te Zeta/Epsilon spawn is perfect. Was using that Theta spawn in the past, but preferred to have a slightly less decay inducing area and have found it thanks to these posts.