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Long John Silvers dont wanna talk with me.


New Member
"Scary Hackfin" Long John Silvers dont want to talk with me. I have done all other missions, (listed in that other thread) except the green and blue crystals... I dont think they are discovered yet. How did you get Long John to talk to you, and start the mission??


New Member
"Scary Hackfin" Long John Silvers dont want to talk with me. I have done all other missions, (listed in that other thread) except the green and blue crystals... I dont think they are discovered yet. How did you get Long John to talk to you, and start the mission??
Blue crystals are very very rare (I can get less than 5 a day), green crystals are very common, I once collected over 1k. Some people have issues with Long John, needing to talk to another NPC first. After the mission, he just screams at you but he does say something.