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Looking for co-investors in the Cyrene stable


Well-Known Member
As most of you have noticed MA will introduce taming somewhere in the future, and there now is a cyrene stable deed in the auction.

I am considering buying this, but since i have no idea what the final price will be, and I don't want to sell of my assets for nothing i am curious if there are people who would be interested in co-owning the deed.

The idea is that we share our resources to buy it, and when they generate an income the income will be split among the investors.

CLD and AUD can be provided as collateral for the investment, minimum investment i am looking for is 4k peds, throw me a pm if you're interested, and we can talk about the details :)


Well-Known Member
Thank you for all the pm's ingame and on the forum i received so far. When i get home tonight I'll update this post with how i propose to deal with the bidding, operation, revenue share, and possible future sales/rents if we win this auction.

This way i hope to make everything as transparent as possible, and it will allow for some valuable feedback that might make things even better.

On a side note: Seeing there is some concrete interest from some people that are willing to invest substantially more then the minimum investment, the maximum amount of investors is set at 10. This should keep the adminsitrative tasks for me at a minimum, while allowing room for enough of cyrene-enthousiasts to join in the cooperation.


Well-Known Member
Hello everybody,

Thank you all for the interest so far, in here i would like to go into a bit more detail on various subjects concerning the stable.

About me, and my motives
My ingame name is Harmony Bella Simpson, and I’ve been playing this game since the introduction of Treasure Island on planet calypso (a looooong time ago). I’m a pretty allround player profession wise in EU, but I am currently focussing on crafting.

What got me hooked tot his game is the possibility to make real life money in a video game, although I never could get myself to withdraw a single pec of my hard earned money. I’m kind of a hoarder ingame and can’t get myself to sell away stuff, after spending so much time collecting it all :)

I tend to play and invest on each planet to support the different planet partners, it is my strong belief that the better the different planets go, the more positive changes and cool new additions we will get in the game. The only exception at this point is Next Island, but i have purchased shops/appartments/deeds in the past on all planets so far, and am also playing at least a month a year on each different planet. I am hoping to make Cyrene a more permanent home, but that is hard for me at this time because there is little to do here for a crafter.

While i can easily sell off some CLD and AUD to purchase a shop for myself, i decided against it because:
· I don’t want to sell off deeds and end up not owning a stable because someone else had more peds
· I don’t want to sell off deeds period (the hoarding issues :))
· A collective is better to lower the risk, increase purchasing power and keep people invested/interested in cyrene and taming.
· Also a succes story of a cooperation might increase interest from other players for future projects, and while this is a game where it looks like you can only profit if somebody else looses, making it a pvp game. In truth you can only really win if you work together.

Purchasing process

I will gather all the peds from the investors and in return they will get collateral. All those peds will go to in a ‘puchasing pool’ from which the bids will done. All investors should name a maximum amount they want me to buy the stable for, and once that amount is reached i will remove their peds from the purchasing pool.

Suppose there are 4 players who each invest 10k peds, and one of them has a maximum of 25k peds they want the stable to costs.
In this case I will start bidding with 40k peds on card, but when the price goes over 25k, then 10k from the investor that had the max at 25k is withdrawn from the ‘purchasing pool’ and returned to the investors, and I will keep on bidding with the remaining peds.

In this example: If the stable goes for 25k then there are 4 shareholders each owning 25%, if it goes for 25-30k then there will be 3 shareholders each owning 33%, if the prices goes over 30k then somebody else will win the auction.

Note: I will not share the amount of investors or the amount of maximum peds they want invested until after the purchase. This is to prevent giving out information to other potential buyers, reducing our chance of actually winning the auction.

Any leftover peds will off course be returned to the shareholders.


When you make your investment you will get colletaral in the form of CLD or AUD at their current markup. Any income you will receive from those deeds will be substracted from the income you get from the stable. So there is no risk for the investors (except for pricedrops in CLD or AUD)


Any decisionthat has to be made on the stable operation will be put up for vote to the shareholders, if there is a tie in votes, the final vote goes to the top 3 investors. This should make it as fair as possible.


The way we will run the stable, if we end up winning it, will be up the shareholders but i would like the prices we charge our customers to be relatively low, i prefer a lot of customers paying a little then a few customers paying a lot (I also hate 5% tax land areas).

Revenue sharing

This is a bit hard since we don’t know how everything will work yet, but i assume that all income/expenses will show ingame so i can make screenshots of everything to supply proof that you get the amount of peds you are entitled to.
We don’t know how often the the payout from the stable are, but to keep things simple i will not do a payout of income to shareholders more then once every two weeks, i need time to play the game as well :)

Selling shares

If for some reason you don’t want to part-own the stable anymore you are free to sell your shares to another player, however there are three exceptions tot his:
· You have to sell all of your shares to 1 person, we don’t want to end up with 500 co-owners :)
· You aren’t allowed to sell to a scammer/cheater
· You aren’t allowed to sell to a pirate
Also i am willing to buy your share based on the purchase price of the stable, but you’ll have to give me a few weeks to gather the peds.


There are always risks involved when making an investment, and i would like you to take a minute to
think about those first.
· Cyrene is still in soft-launch and doesn’t have a lot of people on it yet, so potential revenue might be lower then stables on other planets
· New stables might be added in the future
· The functionality of taming still has to be released, this might get delayed or it might be really boring
That being said, I think the cyrene stable is a good investment because of the potential growth of the planet, and the excellent feedback we get from the developers on this forum and (not quite often enough though J) ingame. Most bigger investments ingame have been a huge succes for the buyers (except for the banks off course), and i think the stables will be a big succes too.


I’m sure I missed some stuff in here, so feel free to ask or point out improvements in the plan J


Well-Known Member
Thank you all for you interest so far.

Please note that the current friend system ingame is broken a bit (if you've send me a friend request while i was offline, i didn't get it, so i'm not ignoring you :)).

There are currently 3 places left for investors. I would like every investor to have the peds ready by next saturday, that way there is no risk we'll run out of peds when the auction ends :)


Active Member
the subject of stables doesn't seem to have been mentioned at all anywhere in the last few days, but I recall that the auction was to run until near the end of the month. Maybe server crashes have extended the expiry time, I dunno. Anyone have any current news of what's up? And gl ofc for the actions your group is taking...


Well-Known Member
Well we ended up buying the stable for around 20k more then we thought it would go for.
Thanks to giuliano adm noooo for letting us have it in the end.

We're still not sure if we made a good decission by buying it for that much, i guess only time will tell :)

We hope to see you all in our stable somewhere next year :bye:


Well-Known Member
Just a heads up so you all know who are owning the future cyrene stable.

Firstly there is Fate Thanatos Themis, he's the creater of the cyrenesecrets.com website where a lot of great information about Cyrene can be found. Also when you're running around the supply depot there is this huge statue of him showing everybody how awesome he is (*trying not to laugh*). He is also the soc leader of 'Taskforce', the most active cyrene soc at this moment.

Then there is Angus Grayvey McFadden, a very nice and smart cyrene-born avatar that started around a year and a half ago, and has been slowly skilling up to greatness :).

Also we have Onyar Loorden PSS on board, a lot of people might know him from his mining service he has run for the past few years. Currently he is running the first monria mining event:
But we're hoping that he comes back to cyrene as soon as he gets bored with monria.

And lastly there is me, a cynic EU-enthousiast with great expectations for Entropia universe and cyrene, mainly hoping for a lot of storyline missions to be released with each new update.

As soon as we learn anything new about the stable we'll be sure to let you all know. But we're guessing that will be around december. We hope to welcome you all in 2015 to the best stable on cyrene :wave: