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Looking for Cyrene based disciples


New Member
Been some time since this post was updated, but I a new to the universe and would enjoy some guidance. I am older as you can see from my name, have plenty of MMO xp; EQ original-Planes of Power, SW Galaxies Master Pistoleer/Smuggler. 12 yrs in Military, so I know how to follow orders :)


Active Member
Hey sandman :) if you would like an experienced mentor on cyrene I would love to show you some tricks into this planet and the universe :)

just look me up in the player register, friend me and send me a message :)

Kyiel kjellings hastings


Tree Hugger
Been some time since this post was updated, but I a new to the universe and would enjoy some guidance. I am older as you can see from my name, have plenty of MMO xp; EQ original-Planes of Power, SW Galaxies Master Pistoleer/Smuggler. 12 yrs in Military, so I know how to follow orders :)

Hello Sandman,

I am new to Cyrene as well. I just started this week. I am an older guy too, I served 9 years in the military and am currently attending a University (Man I feel old) anyhow, when I am online we can hang out and I can show you at least the basics of what I've learned.. Just remember if you are not paying to play this game one must live economically. That means rationing supplies and understanding what amount of resources go into something, its overall value and what you'll in return get out of the item or whatever service you are utilizing. Anyhow look me up in game, Panda Technophile Einarr.

P.s. Kjellings, are you really from Norway? Jeg snakkus lit norsk.


Clothing Menace
and if you need any help with any fashion related topics here on cyrene, you can always send me a pm. Alle snakker norsk på Cyrene :loveshower: