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Loot change on a planet negatively impacting activity on all other planets, including Cyrene


Active Member
Loot has recently been "improved" on another planet of the Universe, and this negatively impacts the activity on all other planets, including Cyrene.

This is not good for Cyrenians.

Is the Cyrene management aware of this situation? Has the Cyrene management been informed by MindArk of this change? Is the Cyrene management happy with this?


Travelling through time...
I think that the "improvement" bring us all those limited Cyrene weapons and other stuff so it's not just Calypso related. Can't compare player activity on 9 year old planet with new one's. It's just natural that players return to the most populated area if there are no new things to discovered elsewhere.


Active Member

I am not speaking of Calypso where loot changes can be considered as normal. I am speaking of something extremely weird that happened on another much younger planet and considerably improved the loot of some mobs...


New Member
Don't know how much improvement there is there to be had...They hof a lot more but a lot of people hunting them said they are loosing ped. The mob used to suck, now it seems to have same loot type as other very high hp mobs of Calypso or the almost dead abandoned planet...either those mobs got a big hp boost or there is a bug that makes the loot god think so :))

George Skywalker

Active Member
I think this relates to the recent Pop Dragon loots on RT. They were said to be returning unusually high returns (e.g. 200%). That's before MindArk stepped in and seemed to have "corrected" the abnormality.

I didn't hunt on RT or go to RT so this is just what I have heard.

Given that this mob was returning considerably high loot. The question is where did it come from? now we know loot system is a closed system. So in essence the high returns could have been funded by bad loots on other parts of RT or many suspect from other PP's including Cyrene. It's also possible loot system was no longer closed and so the costs may have to be incurred by MindArk themselves.

We don't know how it works so we are unlikely to be able to pinpoint anything down.


Active Member
Anyways, a lot of people moved to RT and this significantly reduced the activity on all other planets.

I imagine Planet Partners will have properly appreciated this new "RT incident". We can just hope they will be compensated for their loss.