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Looted materials drop rate...awful!


Andrey Andy Russian
Hello all!

I must say, that this is my third visit to Cyrene.
In first two, i found the Planet unusable, because this was close to Planet start (in 2012).
Now I bought a Lancer V1 UL blueprint and I had a plan to explore the planet and its opportunities.
However, during the study of the loot from mobs, I found that some of the components is extremely difficult to obtain (as example Medium Grade Power Supply, which used in Medium Power Cell BP). In a 500-1000 PED session on mobs you can loot 3-25 items (was case with 0), but in BP is used 32 per 1 click. Same case with Light Grade Power Supply (but there only 8 per click, this is easier). I'm citizen of Arkadia, there also present a rare components, but (as example) almost in 100-200 PED session i can loot Teladon Foots enough for 4-6 clicks on my Terramaster 6 BP.
Here i must have a turnover about 10K PED for looting enough quantity for ~20-30 Medium Power Cell BP clicks, this give me opportunity for ~10 clicks for Lancer V1 BP! Super balance! 10K PED turnover for 10 clicks! This fact made a good BP close to unusable, because 250% MU (50 pcs for 6 PED) fully kills all profits from sales of Lancer V1.
Found also other loot very unbalanced (for teamhunts). Arkadia have similar problems with team loot distrubution, these problems are not exist on Calypso. Hope, that Cyrene team works on it and do something in 18 March PP update...



Well-Known Member
welcome to cyrene :)

so you bought a 700ish ped bp and expect to just show up and profit? sounds a bit naive.

now that you are here you find that it might not be as easy as you thought to make ped so you want cyrene to change the drop rates so that you can make profit while the hunters who had mu from the med supplies lose...

good luck and again welcome to cyrene.


Well-Known Member
you have to hunt the right mobs - frequency of loot is different on alot of them, there is a mob that loots alot of medium grade but you have to find it. Alot of us have experimented on alot of the mobs to find loot, there is a mob that you loot medium grade almost every 3-5 mobs. Its not like Arkadia or Calypso where most of the time its off only one mob, cyrene loot is universal on all mobs, thats why its so different, and also cyrene is still in soft launch so many dynamic systems are still being worked on.




Andrey Andy Russian
Actually I have a lot of BP's, so that 700 ped I do not much care, but I would like to have this vehicle in the assortment of my Shop on Arkadia (My shop is a biggest Shop on the planet), I have already made 3 pieces of Lancer v1, and earnings on 25-ped item with 150% of MU (also used Metal residue, not animal) is not enough for profits, you must to know that :D, i made more money on Quads, Terramasters (260 PED item with 120% MU, check the difference :)), and GYRO FAP's. I see that it is easier make a profit on the Spear MK IV (all components are easy to find, easy to loot these BP's, have looted two in one day), and MU for Spear is better than for Lancer (up to 180%), but I do not agree that the frequency of drop of this component (MGPS) is sufficient (also as for Basic Targeting Chip for example)
I was hunted:
Tide Claw - nothing
Jellyworm - nothing
Merfolken - nothing
Paneleon = small quantities (not enough IMO)
Stalker = small quantities (not enough IMO)
Merfolken = nothing
Drill bot - nothing
Scout Bot (Fenris docks and in the middle of map) - nothing
Imperium - nothing
Protocore - nothing
Vlanwing - nothing
Zeladoth - nothing
Living Vortex - nothing (but found another good loot)
I killed at least 50-100 mobs (in some cases up to 500 of each group)
As you can see, remains not too many mobs

I continue my search, my wallet allows me check almost all mobs.
Maybe this component drops from Screel? Was tested this mob, but found them a bit hard for comfort hunting (Thunderbird+Pulsar 2 plates)

Added: Also I dont tested Fenris Elite Guards yet (Killed only 2-3 Fenris Dock Guardian), i hope that here may be this component in the loot...
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Andrey Andy Russian
Found a good source with a Light Grade Power Supply. (I looted a UL Spear III BP yesterday, so will be great supply)
Thank you Thanatos, but your hint about Zyn'Dos was false. No Medium Grade Power Supply from them in one hour of hunting (more than 100 killed mobs L19-L30). Maybe MGPS drops from them, but i think very rare. Paneleons and Stalker's will be better in this case.
Also, for other players, please dont offer to me MGPS, i will find them by myself :)


Andrey Andy Russian
I think that the situation with this loot is similar to the situation with the components on the Calypso now - they are tied to maturity of some mobs, about 25-35 level