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Major VU Day - excitment for all Cyrene citizens - Will MA deliver !


Well-Known Member
Well once again its VU Day .. we are all waiting , the exicitment is here.

According to Ed this is one of several rollouts of the Major Content.

What are we anticipating .. hmm

* for one the loot is getting re-balanced (is this gonna benefit Cyrene's evolution system) Delayed until Mini Patch

* the missions are getting re-balanced (will Cyrene be effected)

* bug for the 1000 Dire Weed mission be fixed so we can all do the mission and get our Dragonfly of our own. Fixed

* Mindark have delayed the Mechs from release so thats not coming yet..

* 1000 Swamplurker Mission - will it be unlocked ? Confirmed still locked

* Will Cyrene evolve further landscape wise this VU

* Will the Zik Leader return also Plains Skyshatter Robot natural spawns

* Is there an evolution upgrade - re-balance for some mobs , maybe new mobs to be found.

* Are there new ores and cystals to mine, new blueprints. 80 New BPs confirmed including new book

* Will Pyrite start dropping in PVP to allow enhancers to be crafted here
(Output Amps now confrimed to be dropping)

* will the token vendors work for the Zyn Kimbo Tribe

* Will there be new guns for hunters to loot , or they just craftable

* will MA allow the Enkid Howler to become UL Confirmed UL Now

* will we see discovery of Scrap Metal finally for the daily mission.

* Will Fergusons NPC now distribute BPs through his BP vendor

* Will Medium Grade and High Grade Power Supply finally get discovered.

we will leave the rest for you to think about

cheers and happy VU to you..hope it will be exciting :)

NB : Also the new Server for Cyrene maybe coming ..is it this VU (Note this new server will be PVP Flagged) Red Zone



Active Member
Well, Cyrene has evolved enough for quite a few questions at least.
On spelling - do you mean Cyrene effected or affected? (both words could be considered potentially accurate ;)). Ok, if just missions, I expect you mean affected...

Hopefully the bps and available loots will actually make some truly 'full meals' available now for crafting and the resulting markets... the list of hopes is very heavy on this topic as you look through it.

Hopefully the notes will detail things now working, such as the 'sweat chamber' hub dropping tokens etc...


Well-Known Member
WOOT!!! 10k pede mission ftw :p

maybe i can get some pants now? or even a shirt. ill settle for a hat though....
I just hope I will finally be able to graduate.. I have been at 100% for three weeks now.. have support case and yet nothing... Maybe I get a cyrene armor set for the graduation.. either or I just want to get away from being a disciple and get on with the game.. Dire weeds will be stationary :HellNo: dang exploiters :banghead:. WTF I enjoyed the not chasing down your mob just to stab with knife.. why not just make the mob unreachable when unable to attack a player :headscratch:. Hopefully the mob doesnt circle around .. I think the stationary mob was a great idea.. I know make the gardens a pvp that way we can kill explioters... Either way fingures are crossed on the graduation thingy


Active Member
A.R.C. Challenge – 500 Crystal Pedes should now correctly award the skill you choose.
Oh goodie, for all who now do it. Am I happy that I bug tested (guinea-pigged) that one? Yes and no - at least it is apparently fixed now!

However, what will keep me away from learning the new delights of Cyrene right away again:
"Creature Loot is being re-distributed and finalized for the Mini Patch." I suppose if I lived on Cyrene it might be different, but why should I want to go and experience another new 'dynamic' that will change again anyway?

Also, what is meant by: Additionally, one more rank has been added to the Dire Weed, Crystal Pede, Paneleon, and Tide Claw? Does this affect the lowest level that spawns, or the mix, or the locations, or what?

And the biggie: Approximately 80 blueprints are discoverable for the new blueprint book: Blueprints: Imperium, including weapons, armor, and clothing! (and some bps to start off the new bp book).

Ok, that'd be something to travel to Cyrene for and hope for early click success on the drops...... EXCEPT, do you think they are actually IN the loots before the patch, or will crafting be another 'gamble' with zero chance of 'success' until then?
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Well-Known Member
Also, what is meant by: Additionally, one more rank has been added to the Dire Weed, Crystal Pede, Paneleon, and Tide Claw? Does this affect the lowest level that spawns, or the mix, or the loacations, or what?

i believe another challenge lvl is what is implied. hence my WOOT!!! from above.


Fate Thanatos Themis
from RT site:
A note from Mindark…
The availability of items and resources is continually being adjusted by the MindArk balancing team, which may result in temporary changes in the availability of any particular resource or items on a particular planet. These adjustments are important in creating a healthy interplanetary economic system, and in allowing active and stable local planetary economies to emerge.​

Anyway, main question is if those "discoveralbe BPs" are in loot pool atm, or not yet, like it was with prev update, when they said u can get them, but u cant in first week or so


New Member
Well, confirmed the Enkidd S4 is now unlimited (had Loren's discovery gun on me that was previously L, now unl but uber tier rates reset), so that one was addressed!


Active Member
well, grats on the Enkidd S4. I admit to being wrong on my expectations there then....

I wonder if it is only one the ones already crafted however - for the following reason which still puzzles me).

My spear mk I (L) has an SI of 1500, even though it says 300 on one part of the info. Ones on auction now that have SI damage only show 300 as their maximum on both info pages, however. It makes me think that early ones maybe kept their 'advantage'!!!
So, what does the bp say now please on the Enkidd? Does it still suggest it is for unlimited version?


New Member
well, grats on the Enkidd S4. I admit to being wrong on my expectations there then....

I wonder if it is only one the ones already crafted however - for the following reason which still puzzles me).

My spear mk I (L) has an SI of 1500, even though it says 300 on one part of the info. Ones on auction now that have SI damage only show 300 as their maximum on both info pages, however. It makes me think that early ones maybe kept their 'advantage'!!!
So, what does the bp say now please on the Enkidd? Does it still suggest it is for unlimited version?

I presume so but can't tell as Loren has the BP and is one of the ppl affected by the mass locking. I'll mention it to her to check, but I expect ALL blueprints will be for the unL version. It was intended to be unlimited from the get go and appears to simply be a correction on Mindark's part. Regarding your spear - send a message to Kris if you haven't already and I'm sure it will get sorted out!

Tony Pendragon

New Member
Love the new update.
Scored myself an awesome looking rifle.

Thanks Team Cyrene, I will enjoy this one. :dance1:

Tony Sniper v1.jpg