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make ecotron UL series avatar bound

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Well-Known Member
Nope I am chilling.
Wanna share the exact refine with the community?

Ask to Kjellings, then you can (start ?) finish the Thanok Epic mission chain, loot all parts from the queen.
By the way, 5 parts was discovered by players who never finished/started the mission, i don't see where is the advantage for players who still finished the mission, that killed their fun. I don't see any advantage to gain a uneco and useless fap (level 55 paramedic).

Well and what about you ? Are you ready to share to the community your knowledge about Cyrene ? Like things from the Beastfor example ? I'm remember when Noorie posted a screenshot from the NPC, you was angry about that and you asked her to removed it from the forum...

Well if you have any problem with me, just talk to me, you know my name in game and you can send or answer to my PM


Well-Known Member
Ask to Kjellings, then you can (start ?) finish the Thanok Epic mission chain, loot all parts from the queen.
By the way, 5 parts was discovered by players who never finished/started the mission, i don't see where is the advantage for players who still finished the mission, that killed their fun. I don't see any advantage to gain a uneco and useless fap (level 55 paramedic).

Well and what about you ? Are you ready to share to the community your knowledge about Cyrene ? Like things from the Beastfor example ? I'm remember when Noorie posted a screenshot from the NPC, you was angry about that and you asked her to removed it from the forum...

Well if you have any problem with me, just talk to me, you know my name in game and you can send or answer to my PM
Are you angry Justine?



Well-Known Member
This is not really a secret, but if people are lazy to do the Epic mission chain and lazy to gather all part from the queen, not my fault....
With all parts, you can put them in refiner and try to put cyrene material with them. But i agree, when you spend your time in NI for sweat, you can't do that.

Just to be sure, since i was in your society, you all time told me, "do not share your knowledge" about Cyrene things and now you start a drama for that ! o_O
I bet, i shared more things than you in Cyrene chat, but normal if you play on NI...

P.S. : ask to your boss, he said me to do not shared, this the rules from your society. Don't try to give me lesson when you are not clean

The end
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Well-Known Member
Now when you are not tied to any such rules.
Will you share the extra ingredient whispered to you.
Or unfair advantage is only OK when it benefits you.

For your information I spend more time on Cyrene that you spent in the game. ;)


Active Member
Kris is it because of balancing restrictions (MA, game economy) that you guys do not change the vendor to take A.R.C faction badges as currency for gun or a mission for (1 time) per avatar?

Why do ya keep it this way for so long? It makes no sense to me. Each person that is camping the vendors = X less person cycling on your planet. Also huge turn off for anyone wanting to even do the dailies since they know they won't have a chance to get the gun.

This has been said time and time again but it's like you just don't care, if people don't cycle peds on your planet. Since you can just increase the TT cost slightly of the gun, and you're still in profit on TT?


Well-Known Member
Now when you are not tied to any such rules.
Will you share the extra ingredient whispered to you.

There is 2 of your socmate than can help you,. I'm not the only one person who know this. As i know 7 others players know this "unfair advantage". Probably if you finish the Tanhok epic mission chain and if you have all parts from the Empi Queen someone will share with you. But first ask to your soc members, if they don't share with you, name and shame here like you do with me.

Problem is : you say i do not shared the last ingredient, but its false, i do not shared with you and that make you angry. Just press F on check ATH rare item board you can see 2 other guys, but there is more and only me shared this ingredient, not your soc members. Well, let me alone now, clean around you before write bad things.
Do math :
Justine shared to 5 persons
2 Cyreans member shared to 0 persons

Thats all

Kris is it because of balancing restrictions (MA, game economy) that you guys do not change the vendor to take A.R.C faction badges as currency for gun or a mission for (1 time) per avatar?

Why do ya keep it this way for so long? It makes no sense to me. Each person that is camping the vendors = X less person cycling on your planet. Also huge turn off for anyone wanting to even do the dailies since they know they won't have a chance to get the gun.

This has been said time and time again but it's like you just don't care, if people don't cycle peds on your planet. Since you can just increase the TT cost slightly of the gun, and you're still in profit on TT?

+1. As i saw some players started to built a second avatar with only ARC Vendor. By the way, if i know some avatar name, if i report them MA will do anything ? It's 100% sur for 1 avatar.
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Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
+1. As i saw some players started to built a second avatar with only ARC Vendor. By the way, if i know some avatar name, if i report them MA will do anything ? It's 100% sur for 1 avatar.
Considering MA may have finally started to act against the well known alt user from Jurra Plateau, they might act but it won't be fast


Active Member
I think that, like always, the truth falls somewhere in the middle...

The person doing that may not be nice and caring about the community, but is definitely not doing anything wrong, but just trying to maximize their profit by playing the game as it was built by developers. So while I definitely don't appreciate them for that, is not like I think they could be blamed either.

On the other hand, I think that the system could definitely be improved and that the devs should improve it. Why? Simply, because it only makes a couple of (non-playing) people happy, while causing frustration among many others. Is not that it is against rules or anything like that, but is simply counterproductive to alienate an important part of your player base.

Now about a possible solution... I don't think that making one more item avatar bound is a good solution, just like I don't think that one (or a few people) monopolizing the camper is a good solution... so what I would do would be to make the item purchasable only one time. You will say that there's not an existing game mechanic to limit that; well, actually I think it exists and I would explain how I would do it:

1) Create a mission NPC (not repeatable) that has a mission where you pay your tokens, shrapnel (or whatever the weapon costs at the vendor ATM) for a ticket "good for one ecotron weapon" (the ticket would be bound). Since the mission can only be done once and the ticket is not tradeable, that means that everyone could get one and only one ticket.

2) Change the vendor so that instead of the current currency it requires only the ticket from the mission. Since, as previously explained, the ticket would be a one-time thing, it means that each avatar could only buy one weapon (which they may choose to keep or sell as they wish). Sure, it might still require being lucky or camping the vendor, but at least it wouldn't be the same people getting all the guns, so eventually, everyone's turn would come.

Said ticket should carry TT value so if someone decides they're tired of waiting, they could just TT the ticket and move on.

Sure, some may argue that people might just make alts to circumvent that, but in this case, we would talk about a clear rules violation which would probably be dealt by authorities.

... just my 2 cents ...

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
I think that, like always, the truth falls somewhere in the middle...

The person doing that may not be nice and caring about the community, but is definitely not doing anything wrong, but just trying to maximize their profit by playing the game as it was built by developers. So while I definitely don't appreciate them for that, is not like I think they could be blamed either.

On the other hand, I think that the system could definitely be improved and that the devs should improve it. Why? Simply, because it only makes a couple of (non-playing) people happy, while causing frustration among many others. Is not that it is against rules or anything like that, but is simply counterproductive to alienate an important part of your player base.

Now about a possible solution... I don't think that making one more item avatar bound is a good solution, just like I don't think that one (or a few people) monopolizing the camper is a good solution... so what I would do would be to make the item purchasable only one time. You will say that there's not an existing game mechanic to limit that; well, actually I think it exists and I would explain how I would do it:

1) Create a mission NPC (not repeatable) that has a mission where you pay your tokens, shrapnel (or whatever the weapon costs at the vendor ATM) for a ticket "good for one ecotron weapon" (the ticket would be bound). Since the mission can only be done once and the ticket is not tradeable, that means that everyone could get one and only one ticket.

2) Change the vendor so that instead of the current currency it requires only the ticket from the mission. Since, as previously explained, the ticket would be a one-time thing, it means that each avatar could only buy one weapon (which they may choose to keep or sell as they wish). Sure, it might still require being lucky or camping the vendor, but at least it wouldn't be the same people getting all the guns, so eventually, everyone's turn would come.

Said ticket should carry TT value so if someone decides they're tired of waiting, they could just TT the ticket and move on.

Sure, some may argue that people might just make alts to circumvent that, but in this case, we would talk about a clear rules violation which would probably be dealt by authorities.

... just my 2 cents ...

thats a pretty good idea, the tanhok mission chain kinda works the same, each stage you get a token and at the end you conbine them in the refiner with amber to get the token which you can spend. so it could be made that you receive a 10ped token onfirst entry and you combine it with cyrene resources to get the finished TT.

i'd leave the (L) part as it is now tho

regarding alts, it might be easy to exploit the first stage with sweat only, but stage 2+ would be a lot of effort for someone with alts


Well-Known Member
Would be nice if the vendor area is a pvp area :D Then players can kill all campers and try there luck :D


Sandal San Tolk
Would be nice if the vendor area is a pvp area :D Then players can kill all campers and try there luck :D
It sounds good and feels righteous at first sight, but will achieve the opposite. Only certain people would then dominate and keep hogging the place, letting nobody else near. Like the old game called "closing the rig".
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