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Male Zeladoth Mission Reward

Bakh Baccus

New Member
Hi people,

I have been grinding Male Zeladoths, and I think I might be one of the few. So, I thought to share the mission rewards for it.

The mission can be picked up at the Turellion Docks and is called, "New and Yet Familiar." Sorry that I don't have the TT value of the rewards. The mission is great to skill defensive skills, so I highly recommend it. Plus, male Zeladoths hit very fast, so your defensive skills will also benefit from grinding them.

If anyone has more info on this mission, please let me know and I'll update it accordingly.

Stage 1 - 100 kills - Combat Reflexes: 0.51 PED

Stage 2 - 500 kills - Perception: 2.6 PED

Stage 3 - 1,000 kills - Alertness: 3.36 PED

Stage 4 - 2,000 kills - Courage: 6.7 PED

Stage 5 - 2,500 - Athletics 8.5 PED

Stage 6 - 3,000 kills - Bravado
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I haven't yet bothered finishing Stage 1 but its description says Combat Reflexes. Are you sure there are two Perception stages?

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I haven't yet bothered finishing Stage 1 but its description says Combat Reflexes. Are you sure there are two Perception stages?

Haruto Rat is right to question it, it should be Combat Reflexes for Rank 1.


Bakh Baccus

New Member
Edited. For some reason, I thought I got a perception reward. I finished stage 1 a long time ago. So that might be just a memory lapse.


Sandal San Tolk
The mission is great to skill defensive skills, so I highly recommend it. Plus, male Zeladoths hit very fast, so your defensive skills will also benefit from grinding them.
Aye, just what the doctor prescribed! Was gonna come over after unlocking avoidance (the other Zelas eat so much armour lol), might make it a little earlier. I assume these are a little lower lvl? Thanks.

I finished stage 1 a long time ago.
I must have missed something.
Aye, just what the doctor prescribed! Was gonna come over after unlocking avoidance (the other Zelas eat so much armour lol), might make it a little earlier. I assume these are a little lower lvl? Thanks.
They start at 350 (roaming) and 400 (weak) HP, and IIRC were like L9 or L10.
In Adj Musca defence cost was tolerable but barely so (about 0.9% IIRC but we do duo).
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Bakh Baccus

New Member
Yeh, I use adj musca and with lvl 10 and 11 ones (LVL 10 are the lowest) hit laround 4 dmg. A run of 400 kills or so costs 5-6 ped in armor costs at evader lvl 11.
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The reward for Rank 1 is 0.51 PED Combat Reflexes (3965.86 -> 3973.26)

Also, the return waypoint is off and can send you to Hackfin. Correct coordinates are ~[138831, 76886, 100].


Sandal San Tolk
Mr. Rat is ahead in the rat race, of course :D Did it yesterday and was about to compile the numbers, no more need then.

Location is on the islands off the southeastern coast of the ice plateau, ca. along a line from 135000/74200 to 136000/74700, nicely sorted by maturity. Like shooting fish in a bucket.


New Member
Nicely lined they are:)

At the small island 135741, 74554 are L11 "weak". South to the next two small islands I found L15 "soldier" and then L17 "strong". Inland from this location L19 "ravenger", and on the (again small) island northwards L21 "ravenger".

So, as San says, nicely lined up!

cheers, eras Bluetail

Bakh Baccus

New Member
Completed Stage 4 today, reward is roughly 6.7 PED of Courage.

Stage 5 is 2,500 kills and Athletics as a reward. This mission is really defensively oriented, which is awesome.


Sandal San Tolk
Same, and at least the 500 are going to fall today. But I was wrong about the fish in a bucket. They do know how to almost always swarm you. Good for your defense training, ofc :wolf:

Edit- Perception points before taking reward: 3158.75, after: 3271.08 => 2.60 PED TT.
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