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Bug Report March 1st, 2022 VU Official Bug Thread

Shawna | Cyrene

Cyrene Official Planet Developer
L.U.I.G.I.V.S. Information NPC at [Planet Cyrene, 138557, 77210, 109, Waypoint] states requirements to enter are two (2) Imperium Key Cubes.

After entering and clicking the Platform Starter, the requirement is for an Imperium Cube.
The Imperium Key Cubes requested by the NPC do not work.

Thank you for letting us know, we've corrected the text to properly show that you need 1 Imperium Cube *not* a Key Cube.


Cyrene Crusader
@Kris | Cyrene , @Shawna | Cyrene

idk if the drop rate [of pristine elements] is ok for u guys, but for me is going to be a nonsense chase, been grinding like mad, jelly/pans/tide claw ( inside instance ) and nothing. Practically i dont see how i will be able to loot the elements to make my armor, i just dont see how.

i m not sure if this is the way, good or bad, to get nothing after hunting for 20h continuous in 3 sessions each around the same 18-20h, same mid+ tide claws not to mention the other sessions for pans.


I'm now 10h in on Paneleon Old, 10k ped cycled. No elements (which is ok), 6 tails (a tad low?), a few armor parts.

That's another 10h on top of tBanna's 20h+ on same mob. I also see many others in the Paneleon Old spot not getting any element.

Issue: Even cycling the whole codex+1-2 repeats will probably not give me more than 1 pristine element. I need 7 just for the first armor stage. The whole codex + a few repeats should at least give 4-5 elements (1 per 10k-20k ped cycled is a fair drop rate imo) Extrapolating the 6 tails I've had so far, I also need a 300k ped cycle on Olds to get 175 (I'll rather buy the tails tbh).

Solution: Put pressure on MA to increase drop rate 10x.

Remember: We will also need crystal pollen for the first armor stage (very low drop rate), and 500 ARC badges (lot of grinding). And a bunch of other stuff. The mission is useless right now, having to cycle 100k+ ped per element. (with low overall MU from panels, this means 3k ped loss++ per element).


Active Member
Don't know if this is a universe wide issue, but my autoloot pet doesn't autoloot. pet is fully fed and the buff is set to on.