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Bug Report March 2nd 2021 VU Bug Thread

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Saw some posts in another thread that I think should be addressed here for some bugs for this VU, so started a thread.

I'll also update what fixes will be coming as well for the Mini Patch.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
@Kris | Cyrene
I think you are already aware that new mechs are not looting anything, not even the message "creature didn't carry any loot"

Yes, we are aware, got some good reports on Discord about it. MA is looking how to resolve this issue and if it's something that can be hotfixed or will have to wait for the Mini Patch.

also vendors for upgrading plates are not working, any news when this will be fixed?

It took time for these missions to be active but the Officer Armor Plate Turn-in mission as well as missions to acquire Turrelion Outerwear and Settler Clothing Pieces should now be active.


Can you tell us how many badges are needed? He says I don't have enough :(

Seems stupid to force someone to piss about spending so much time and so few peds killing small mobs every day when I could turnover 1000ped hunting normally in the same time period. There should be an option to grind out a load of medium size mobs instead of spending most your time flying around so u can kill 5 little critters here and there.


I've had enough for the day. You entice lvl100+ players to the planet then force them to be a noob. I've put a fair amount of time into cyrene but I've spent it hunting rather than collecting things from mobs with 100hp.


Active Member
Badges system makes sure those who want to invest in the planet get bonuses. It's a great system. If you don't want to grind the little mobs then don't. I don't want to do Mayhem on Calypso. It's a universe filled with choices.


So someone spending an hour flying around and shooting 10ped ammo is investing in the planet but someone who spends that hour pumping 1000ped into mobs isn't? makes no sense.

I understand what the badge system is supposed to do, and in essence it's a great idea, but getting 1000ped/hour guys to spend an hour shooting 10ped is counterproductive for the planet and frustrating for the hunters.


Well-Known Member
So someone spending an hour flying around and shooting 10ped ammo is investing in the planet but someone who spends that hour pumping 1000ped into mobs isn't? makes no sense.

I understand what the badge system is supposed to do, and in essence it's a great idea, but getting 1000ped/hour guys to spend an hour shooting 10ped is counterproductive for the planet and frustrating for the hunters.

there are daily missions for wilies skyshatters fenris muckjaws red golems and skreels or i atleast have them in my mission list? did they get removed or somthing?


there are daily missions for wilies skyshatters fenris muckjaws red golems and skreels or i atleast have them in my mission list? did they get removed or somthing?

I think they're the one off missions, not dailys.
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The Weak Paneleon cave has no spawns, there's nothing there to hunt.

Also, I understand the reasoning for disabling the rare drops (tail tips, etc...) but do you know when they will be activated again? I want to farm them myself not have to buy from auction.



New Member
Thanks Kris for keeping players up to date.:beerchug:

I almost blew a gasket on those last night as just another issue with MA and their VU etc.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I'll put some updates here:

Can you tell us how many badges are needed? He says I don't have enough :(

This 1st stage takes 300 Badges (they aren't turned in) to be able to do the mission. Please keep in mind, the next stages that are planned, will require a a larger amount to be owned by players who wish to continue.

I understand what the badge system is supposed to do, and in essence it's a great idea, but getting 1000ped/hour guys to spend an hour shooting 10ped is counterproductive for the planet and frustrating for the hunters.

I understand your reasoning in not wanting to collect them, and while the one off missions can be tedious for higher level players, it's relatively quick to almost 200 badges in 1 day. Something we discussed with MA post armor upgrade missions as well as internally here is that the A.R.C. Badges should have more use around Cyrene. This is something you can come to expect throughout this year.

EDIT: Once you do all the non-repeatable missions it will slow down.

The Weak Paneleon cave has no spawns, there's nothing there to hunt.

Strange, no adjustments were made to this particular instance, I'll investigate! Thanks for the report.

Also, I understand the reasoning for disabling the rare drops (tail tips, etc...) but do you know when they will be activated again? I want to farm them myself not have to buy from auction.

The plan is that as these missions become active, the disabled loot should be re-enabled a short time afterwards. I think later this week or early next week disabled items used in the Imperium Officer Plate Mission should be dropping normally.

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Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
I also wanted to post a small update about the timeline of fixes / what will be fixed that I can confirm.

Pretty much any fixes that do come will be in the Mini Patch, myself and the team are making adjustments as we speak.

The Renegade Hazard Mechs should be looting and working with no issue for the Mini Patch.

The Turrelion Wave Spawn on the Ice Plateau area should now have 6 waves, 4 normal waves + 2 boss waves (small boss then big boss) with some updated text so you know the wave is finished.

Some other text should be corrected, moved some warps around, some other misc stuff.

A new weird bug popped up after moving the A.R.C. Badges to the currency tab, you can put them into your PED Card.

PLEASE DON'T DO THAT! We're not sure if they can be gotten back or not.

When I have more info about old issues or new bugs I'll let you know.


Active Member
nice work Kris, just dont make boss insane dmg or people gone be angry
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New Member
yeah i accidentally put my badges in ped card as soon as update came out, wrote support case so I hope they will be returned.
Btw, regarding what you wrote in upper post, it's not possible to get 200 badges in a day, at least to my knowledge, I have solved all quests for badges, low, mid, high all, there's only 100 pieces there, and I have been grinding since there is only 6 more per day to be gotten from dailies and turning 500 sweat per day.
Or am I missing something? some quests or smth? cuz I checked it all and searched and didn't find way to get more


Sandal San Tolk
PLEASE DON'T DO THAT! We're not sure if they can be gotten back or not.
They better be or there will be rivers of blood running from under the support cubicles ;) There are always people unaware of these communications. But first of all, thank you Kris & team for being out there in such a manner as sets an example for how things should be all throughout our little universe.

A tiny thing: Mission waypoints to relevant NPCs on Tan'sta'oh island are off again after the redesign (like the drill bot daily, possibly others which I haven't completed yet). Just putting this here as symbolic for the need to implement a standardized procedure, since this gets overlooked every time.

About the really big issues and how you are treated as a partner, I thought I might have an idea what to say after waiting this VU, but I find myself still as speechless as ever since last December. It is only obvious that some kind of politics is going on behind the scenes, and if upper managements in all parties involved can't find it in themselves to come out with truth rather than usual non-committal business jargon, people will continue to make up their own minds. How this could impact business may or may not be part of their considerations. I just wish you guys the best and hope you will prevail.
(Edit: Yes, this paragraph, too, is intended as a bug report. This style of management is just one humungous stinking bug.)

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I already had 235 badges from doing the one off missions and dailys ages back. 300 isn't too high a target for me, although I may have left the planet if it was 500 (which i guess it will be for further plates, so I might just forget about it anyway).

Now i have 2 weeks of boring flying around to do, it would be much better if u gave a mission for 5 badges kill 100 rhino or something.


Sandal San Tolk
Evidently this game creates issues with perceived compulsion in some players. Each and every activity it offers is voluntary. Some are intended to appeal to certain target groups, like players who find it easier to invest time rather than a chunk of money at once. What they produce is then often made available on the market for those who prefer other playstyles or priorities. This is by design and not a bug, and in this instance specifically to counter the effect of slower players being left without a chance, getting outdone, outclassed and outpaid at every turn.


Evidently this game creates issues with perceived compulsion in some players. Each and every activity it offers is voluntary. Some are intended to appeal to certain target groups, like players who find it easier to invest time rather than a chunk of money at once. What they produce is then often made available on the market for those who prefer other playstyles or priorities. This is by design and not a bug, and in this instance specifically to counter the effect of slower players being left without a chance, getting outdone, outclassed and outpaid at every turn.

I'm not asking for benefits or advantages. What I would like is to be able to hunt a single bigger mob instead of 5 small mob missions. The mission should take a similar time period so I'm not getting an advantage but cyrene gets the benefit of me pumping peds instead of flying around giving them nothing.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

it's relatively quick to almost 200 badges in 1 day.

This is was bit rushed, that's my fault, should be 100 from all the non-repeatable missions: LINK

I'm not asking for benefits or advantages. What I would like is to be able to hunt a single bigger mob instead of 5 small mob missions. The mission should take a similar time period so I'm not getting an advantage but cyrene gets the benefit of me pumping peds instead of flying around giving them nothing.

While I fully understand your position, that's not really the idea of A.R.C. Badges. Design wise they are intended for even the lowest level of player to participate in, as you can even gather sweat to earn them and help Zorra and the A.R.C. Faction. That being said, they have been out for a long time too, and I think internally it's something we can look at.

Also: the Weak Paneleon Hunter's Cavern should be fixed for this Mini Patch.

Unfortunately, the move for the A.R.C. Badges to the inventory let's you put them in your PED Card and that's not how it works, and you lose your badges, so we'll be reverting that change and look at some other avenues. MindArk support can help those who put them in the PED Card, I've talked to them already.

nice work Kris, just dont make boss insane dmg or people gone be angry

The boss should be alright I think, weaker than Byg Byrds for sure :arc:.

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Sandal San Tolk
I'm not asking for benefits or advantages. What I would like is to be able to hunt a single bigger mob instead of 5 small mob missions. The mission should take a similar time period so I'm not getting an advantage but cyrene gets the benefit of me pumping peds instead of flying around giving them nothing.
But this IS an advantage. Of course it can be discussed, but this is about bugs not design. // Edit: Kris was faster.