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Bug Report March 2nd 2021 VU Bug Thread


While I fully understand your position, that's not really the idea of A.R.C. Badges. Design wise they are intended for even the lowest level of player to participate in, as you can even gather sweat to earn them and help Zorra and the A.R.C. Faction. That being said, they have been out for a long time too, and I think internally it's something we can look at.

I'm not trying to exclude low level players. What I'd like is an option to do either the current 5 dailys OR 1 single daily mission to kill a number of bigger mobs so I don't waste my time and give cyrene the full benefit of having a higher level player on your planet.

But this IS an advantage. Of course it can be discussed, but this is about bugs not design. // Edit: Kris was faster.

I don't see how it's an advantage. I'd be spending a similar amount of time and considerably more peds to get the same reward.


Sandal San Tolk
I don't see how it's an advantage. I'd be spending a similar amount of time and considerably more peds to get the same reward.
Peds yes, not time. Time is exactly what you're asking NOT having to spend. I don't see how it is necessary to even spell it out. The advantage is in getting to the rewards faster. These are not handed out in unlimited quantities, as we already know, with the consequence that slower players are squeezed out. You can make the same argument for the Calypso dailies and ask for a ways to rush through to your shiny buffed coat, we know what the result would be -- a straw fire until they're gone and then no more motivation for anyone. The current setup acts as a speed breaker to competition and that's intentional. Possibly an additional thought right here is to give smaller players even a market opportunity selling items to less patient but more well-off members (which is not the case with the Caly items). Can we end this discussion now or create a separate thread for it?
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Are you not listening to me? I said the mission should take a similar amount of time as the 5 smaller missions, the only difference is that I'd be shooting instead of flying.


Sandal San Tolk
This is going off the rails now... guess it means work for the mods to sort this thread into two.

You mean you want to shoot bigger mobs for the same amount of badges per time, not badges per ped? Like one hour-equivalent of rhino beetles for 5 badges? If so, my bad if I didn't catch that. What will happen then is people who are able to will feel compelled to do this PLUS the rest, thereby gathering twice as many badges per day. Unless you're made to choose upfront whether you want to go one way or the other. Now this might be a suggestion, although I foresee another discussion about equality even if you expressly asked for inequality with good reasons. The next day people will have forgotten already why it was created.
I want to take the time to thank you @Kris | Cyrene , for everything you do. When all you get are generic answers from support or no answer at all from MA, it's a breath of fresh air to have someone quote and answer directly to our questions in only a few hours.

I don't always like what you say, but atleast we get our questions answered. The sad part is this should be the norm... not some kind of miracle.

This is not some random ass-kissing, please don't disappear :(


Personally I like the badges being used more Its not everyone is a 1000 ped per hour player an the badges allow everyone to have a fair chance not just the biggest ped card I have 990 badges I should have an advantage over someone who has never been on cyrene.

I agree with this, players who spend time/ped on cyrene should have an advantage over those who just turn up when something shiny and new appears. However my total globals on cyrene excede your total overall globals on all planets and I have a third of your badges, so they're not an accurate measure of activity and time spent on cyrene but a measure of who can be bothered using their time on small missions and flying around.

Anyway, as requested I'm now going to shut up about this :)


New Member
The mission broker Scout Thompkins has moved to a new location, but the mission marker in "They're taking our minerals!" seems to point to the old location.

Btw. I like that you're improving the environment, buildings etc. I've been to other planets recently and I liked the architecture on Toulan and Arkadia and also the terrain/nature on Calypso. I'd like Cyrene to look great too :) You know, some eye-candy :)


New Member
I actually like the use of badges so it doesn't allow the "rich" people who don't bother to grind through all the missions to come in and get everything that's nice and shiny. Although they always could probably pay someone else to get it for them I guess.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Anyway, as requested I'm now going to shut up about this :)

I thought this was good feedback and good discussion here, please feel free to share openly about anything in regards to Cyrene. We don't "police" for the forum very strictly, but you should feel like you have a voice here, even if we or other players don't agree and you shouldn't be attacked for your views.

The mission broker Scout Thompkins has moved to a new location, but the mission marker in "They're taking our minerals!" seems to point to the old location.

An oversight, we'll make sure this is corrected and note it in the Mini Patch known issues.

Btw. I like that you're improving the environment, buildings etc. I've been to other planets recently and I liked the architecture on Toulan and Arkadia and also the terrain/nature on Calypso. I'd like Cyrene to look great too :) You know, some eye-candy :)

Thank you! Another one sort of snuck it's way into the Mini Patch =)

Although they always could probably pay someone else to get it for them I guess.

This is a blessing and a curse right? On the one hand players who took the time to grind them, can get value from players who didn't. On the other hand, its a failing of the system if the work around is so simple.

While this is work around is only for the vendors at this time, I wouldn't be surprised if other types of missions came in the future that required players to have badges at all stages and couldn't be "skipped" in this way.

The badges should be interesting and show your investment and commitment to A.R.C. and we need more ways to show that to players, it's something that we're working on for this year.

they are not bugs, but:

What happened to the cave with a protocore inside on the northern Swamp Lurker wave? I never knew the purpose of that protocore, and now the cave is covered ...
what happened to New Janus? Still under construction ...
what happened to the dynamic map? it was a good way to see how people's contribution was going up ...
what happened to the mazewaver certificates? Its only use is the wolpertinger, but it could be used for something else ...


OK, here's a mission I'd like to see:

1) Select a mob, any mob
2) Kill 500 of them (or 100 or 1000, whatever)
3) Recieve Badges

This way everyone can play at a level they're happy with and receive badges for the time they spend on cyrene.

If I'm going to hunt rhino anyway then there's no reason for me to select a small hp mob. The only benefit a more skilled player would have is if they only have a limited time to play one day then they can select a low hp mob.