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Maze hunting exploit.

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Active Member
Having done the maze a few more days in a row, I've noticed what I noticed many months back on my first maze expriences that seems to be an exploit...

It seems like there are certain individual avatars that go to the maze and just do nothing but find a spawn for the vlanwing, and start shooting them, stand in one place, turn on the auto tool and walk away, for hours (days?). Since the spawn works the way it does the with the spawn points fixed these individuals appear to just be skilling up on these little critters since they know that the new mob will respawn in exact same coordinates in a few seconds... they've turned hunting in to an automated part of the game, just like crafting can be for some.

Makes the maze a bit annoying hearing the constant repeat of their guns or pets (especially the gorillas I used to hear here a while back).

I don't mind if others enjoy the maze when I'm there, but this is just silly... seeing the same 2 or 3 avatars in the exact same spot, facing the same exact direction every single day I come in.

Not really too sure what you can do to fix it... making spawn not be as fixed is one possible solution, but with all the walls and possible trapping type possibilities, not sure that is 'THE' solution.


New Member
Hi Mastermesh,

I'm one of the guys in the maze.

I'm there temporarily, this is quite costy and not so great for skills.

IMO it's not an exploit, because I use ingame features only (toggle auto-use tool and auto loot ring).

In the Terms Of Use, could you tell me which rule prohibit it ?

But I see what you mean.

Since this must be a regular income for the planet parnet, a good solution may exist for your ears and their ped income...We'll see.

And since it costs peds, why in the world prohibit something authorized for crafters and not for hunters ?

(sry for my english, I'm doing the maximum :p )

Lilmc | Cyrene

Former Official of the greatest community.
Staff member
Hey Everyone!

I want to remind everyone that forums rules do still apply. I request everyone to respect each other regardless of their view.

If you believe someone is exploiting it's highly suggested to contact MA through the support channels. Cyrene Forum isn't the place to discuss or make accusations.



Active Member
Mastermesh isnt naming nor shaming. Just asking for a solution from your side. And the reply from Zio seems to be very friendly as well. I don't see any disrespect from either side. I wonder what you are reading and which forum rules could possibly be broken here?

Lilmc | Cyrene

Former Official of the greatest community.
Staff member
Mastermesh isnt naming nor shaming. Just asking for a solution from your side. And the reply from Zio seems to be very friendly as well. I don't see any disrespect from either side. I wonder what you are reading and which forum rules could possibly be broken here?

They post in question were removed and messages were sent out as to which forums rules were violated.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I wanted to just chime in here from a developer side and let everyone know that we are looking at this again as we have made changes to this in the past so it's very strange to me to see this resurface again.

I have also pointed MA to this thread in regards to any exploitation.



Active Member
Thanks. Sorry for accusations. Support ticket is in. Also support ticket asks for clarification if it is exploit or feature. If its feature I may look in to Skilling up myself when oratan axe reaches level its passive unlocks in a couple more levels... can't beat em, might as well join em.

Lilmc | Cyrene

Former Official of the greatest community.
Staff member
Hey Mastermesh!

As Kris already mention we sent a message from our side as we thought it was corrected a while ago (spawning of the Turrelion Vlanwings). We will further look into the maze for other spawning ideas.



Well-Known Member
From my side, it's not an exploit. Since it's impossible to win 100%+ TT Return, its 100% tax for MA and PP.
IF you "repair" that, change the crafting system too. Many crafters craft AFK. As i saw, players on this area use all tools/ring/pills available in the game, like a crafter use ingame tools.
I tested to do the maze and they don't disturb anyone, they kill 1 mob at a time.

If there is not outside software, from my view, it's not really an exploit, i don't see anything wrong. And it's cool, there is more players in Cyrene, keep them on the planet !

Why to change something benefit for the planet.

@mastermesh : play more and learn how the game work. It look like you don't know how it work with loot 2.0 system.

EDIT : If you plan to change that, for equity, you have to change Turrelia Lurker spawn in hub too. Remove autoloot too. Like that you'll kill totally this area too. Change things do not mean benefit for Planet Cyrene. If you start to change things all time just because you see 1 crying player, omg ... i won't imagine what Cyrene will look in future.
In fact, that "disturb" only one player atm.
Focus your time on more important things like upgrade items, end of mission, right skill reward and bug repair. Actually Cyrene items are not calibrated for loot 2.0 and Cyrene craft need a serious update.

Just my two pec.
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Active Member
... out of the blue I have a question. Since when hunting a respown is an exploit?
just asking because either a spown has 1 mob or 100 mobs u hunt that spown, no matter how many mobs is in it.

on the other hand I see bit of envy mixed whit a diferent ingredient, the sound of gorilas, and I believe that should be changed, cause either u sit on AH or at TP/STORAGE inside an outpost to do your thing, that gorilla has the same sound for everyone.

all the rest are nonsense.



Active Member
@mastermesh : play more and learn how the game work. It look like you don't know how it work with loot 2.0 system.
Actually, I do quite well understand loot 2.0. It results in massive amounts of shrapnel and not that much of anything else, except rarely. Those rare finds are becoming more rare due to folks sitting in one spot auto hunting 24/7... emptying out the loot pool as they do.


New Member
Actually, I do quite well understand loot 2.0. It results in massive amounts of shrapnel and not that much of anything else, except rarely. Those rare finds are becoming more rare due to folks sitting in one spot auto hunting 24/7... emptying out the loot pool as they do.

Hello Master,
You are in years light to have understood the functioning of the 2.0.

I apologize in advance of the shock you're going to have when reading this, I could explain to you vividly how it works if you want it…

Thanks to Justine for her message as Smart

Sorry for me English,use goggle translate :p


New Member
Mastermesh you can tell your friends to stop bothering us in the maze; it becomes very unpleasant your crusade, and especially contrary to the rule.

I send a video to customer service of a member of your SOC making a train of mobs
About Us

Ha yes it sucks everyone it must be the crusade of this SOC, we will get off my friends and me because it is too much fear to play on your planet
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Well-Known Member
Actually, I do quite well understand loot 2.0. It results in massive amounts of shrapnel and not that much of anything else, except rarely. Those rare finds are becoming more rare due to folks sitting in one spot auto hunting 24/7... emptying out the loot pool as they do.

Totaly false especially on Planet Cyrene. This is the planet where there is more oils/components than shrapnel ...
Hummmn about rare find ?!? On Maze Vlanwing ? Only Vlad have a rare item on his loot pool (ie Boffin upgrade part).
If you think about totem, i still find the same quantity in my loot.

It look like you do not play so much on Cyrene, doing only maze do not revelate anything...

Edit : ok, according to entropialife : Total loot 1205ped in hunt and you play since 2007. Why not, but not sure it's enought for understand what is good or bad for Planet Cyrene.


New Member
Impossible to play tonight it brings the mobs on us... damn planet, not a day that passes without one of these guys coming to bother us.

I will not finish my quest for clothes, too bad...


New Member
Totaly false especially on Planet Cyrene. This is the planet where there is more oils/components than shrapnel ...
Hummmn about rare find ?!? On Maze Vlanwing ? Only Vlad have a rare item on his loot pool (ie Boffin upgrade part).
If you think about totem, i still find the same quantity in my loot.

It look like you do not play so much on Cyrene, doing only maze do not revelate anything...

Edit : ok, according to entropialife : Total loot 1205ped in hunt and you play since 2007. Why not, but not sure it's enought for understand what is good or bad for Planet Cyrene.

Justine how you made to stay as calm and kind.
Me every day I see them and I can not play in these conditions.
This quest is already quite long, and with people like CA who rot you in the evening...
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