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melee amps


Well-Known Member
Entropia Universe 14.7.4 Release Notes

New Melee Amps
Additional melee amplifiers, both limited and unlimited, have been introduced that can be attached to any melee weapon and Enhance their damage. For the initial distribution of these items, each planet has been provided with a number of amps that can be used as an event or quest rewards.

hope to see these in loot or events sometime dosnt do us anygood if you keep them in storage :)


Active Member
I got one of the Melee weapons, might get an amp, now to find someone to PvP with in Cyrene.
The only thing I do not like is I have one of those 'Thing' Jacket outfits and every time you remove / re wear them they decay. They are only good for a few changes and then are unusable and L. Really hate losing my clothes getting into an arena, as I hear you get stripped when you enter the PvP area to make everyone on even ground.
