Central Standard Time zone (UTC -6). I play sporadically... sometimes early morning, sometimes afternoon, sometimes weekends, sometimes weekdays. If it's really early morning like this morning it's probably a few hours after work (I work evening hours at the moment so don't get home til fairly late/early in morning). I deposit about 10 bucks a month at the moment. Sometimes that goes in a day, other times it lasts me several weeks. I have a handful of AUDs and a CLD, and a ton of blueprints. I've been hanging out in forums many, many years, so know a lot of the game already, but never officially 'graduated' so figure why not give it a try. I have owned a variety of estates in the past, but don't own any now since I had to sell em and withdraw most of the peds tied up in that a year or two back to pay off Uncle Sam.
Main focuses in game so far have been hunting and a bit of crafting, but I'm still relatively low level in both. I have mined or sweated a time or three, but find that a bit boring sometimes. The last few days I've been spending some time in the hub from time to time, but am not sure I'll go down there regularly going forwards or not.
I do have a lot of blueprints, but don't massively gamble all of my peds away in one roll of the dice, but might from time to time gamble a bit at the ol crafting machine. I do have an UL viper whip and use it a lot so tame from time to time. Lately I've been upping qr on an explosives bp (blowing the explosives down in the hub, lol - going forward I might blow em on mobs since I just blew most of this month's remaining peds on the slightly uneco UL ngl grenade launcher I saw on auction this morning... Yes, I know, I know - waste of money, but it just makes sense to have it to go with the explosives bp since L launchers aren't abundantly available on all planets on any given day).
Some think I am too critical or negative about the game since I have, in the past, done blogs on some of the letdowns of Mindark and highlighting some different bullshit scams and conspiracies going on in game or in game community that I found on forums I read, in society talks, etc. However, I'm mostly over all of that. I shut down two of the blogs and did one small
consolidated blog a couple of months back but don't regularly post to it unless there's some big scam going on or something, and then I'm not really doing much on the blog other than posting a link to the website or forum that discusses that...
A lot of that old blogging had to do with a lot of different things going on both in game and ril that were giving me a bit of a depressive outlook on things that bordered on angry hatred in some cases. That sort of thing tends to happen when one of your major investments in game stops working for about 2 or 3 years due to Mindark not getting things done right after VU 10, the leader of your society runs off with about a lot (2 k usd?) of other people's money for about a year (even though he mainly paid most of it back from what I hear), close friends in game are discovered to be in bad relationships with planet partner employees that result in a real world divorce and your close friend logging out for good (we miss you Pink Pussycat Panther), in real life you have a a bunch of relatives die in a relative short amount of time, you get a cousin that gets a brain injury that put him in to a coma for a few months, and you get another cousin that's a year younger than you that is diagnosed with brain cancer and dies shortly after that, etc.
I can't remember how many years I had the old mentor (he wears a lime green coat these days based on what I've read in the forums here), but it's probably been at least 2 or so. I took him on as a mentor since his perspective on things in relation to game seemed to be somewhat similar to mine, at least somewhat, although he was doing them much more big scale than I ever wanted to...
Yes, it's been a rough few years, but I think I'm mostly over the depression and all of that and am ready to start fresh a bit. Cyrene seems to be a nice planet run by good folks, so I'll probably stay here a long while (although someday I need to go to Calypso to pick up some stuff that's been sitting in storage for years).