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Miles request: Drive up Mt Cyrene in my Spear Mk1


New Member
I missed the special thread for my video request - but just let me say "Well Done". I had to use reverse to actually land on the summit.

As someone who loves finding and tackling driving challenges, and just pushing vehicles to their limits, the Spear has opened up a whole new range of opportunities for fun. In the process I've learned control it much better than before - especially the tendency to launch when cresting hills - and I've been having fun using it everywhere I go.

The biggest limitation is the low TT value prevents me from using it near mobs. I've been hit twice being careless and TT went from .50ped to .43ped. Let me get my hands on a 20pedder and I'll go nuts with it!
For a taste of what I mean, I did some videos of my own when vehicles were new, here: My YouTube Channel. (How new? My first Valk, "GG" cost over 300ped. It has been retired due to it's now very low TT value, but don't worry, it paid for itself racing, and I even won it's replacement, which I am still driving.)
