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MindStar9 - New Directions

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
Don't feel bad seems like your not the only one looking for new direction.
Entire NI Staff let go.

Had to ask, but does you leaving the Cyrene team have any links with the problems over on NI's staff being let go?

Please, let's not turn this thread into a discussion about what happened at Next Island.

And OZ ... I had no clue whatsoever about what was going on at Next Island, and it comes as much of a surprise to me as the rest of the community, but this isn't the place for discussion about it.

And for the record ... please re-read my post, because the only thing happening here with me, is that I won't have an "official" avatar anymore. Ties have not been severed with regard to writing projects, and it was mentioned in my post that Ed and I are working on alternatives, because I am not involved in planet production, or game-play mechanics, nor have access to it.

It's all pure Cyrene storyline and Covert Ops writing with Cyrene storyline weaved into it that gives me no advantage over anyone else. While the writing contains exclusive content, it's a peek into what's to come, and posted well before anything is implemented into the game, which puts all of us on a level playing field. Ed has been giving this community exclusive content for a long time now, and way before Lykke and I became officials. The writing dynamics have to be worked out, and we're not sure what direction it will go, but in the meantime ...

The MindStar Media operations is expanding, and we've been hard at work upgrading, rebuilding, tweaking, adding and revising everything to make it more efficient, as well as give us more bells and whistles. It's been a while since we've been involved with activities, but that's about to change. We just didn't expect it to take us so long to get everything in place, but because of what we want to do, it took talking to app developers directly to work with some coding and get it the way we want it. Syer has been a beast in this respect, and he simply rocks.

I am very grateful that Ed understands the need to be released from my official avatar, but also incredibly appreciative that he wants to maintain the writing connection for future projects. This was a win-win scenario for I think both of us, because we work extremely well together.

While it was a tough decision on my part, I have an opportunity to take the media operation where I've always wanted to take it, which everyone will learn about later when I post the details - we still have a couple of things to accomplish, because we're adding something new to the MSR website. The operation is all about pure entertainment, and the planned progressive expansion is quite exciting.

At any rate ... I just want to make it clear that my relationship with Ed and the C-Team is well intact, and we are in discussion to see what we can do with the writing without me having to have an official avatar. Also, our media operations will absolutely be supporting Ed and the development of Cyrene, as well as promoting the hell out of it, but with MindStar9 coming back, it means that our operations will be universe-wide. However ... :D

Now where the HELL is Prince Charming :rolleyes: ...

This cryo chamber is cute 'n' all, but bitch please, get me OUT. :p


I am respectfully asking that this thread be kept on topic.

Thank You!


Active Member
Gratz with MindStar Media, I know you can make it something great! I'm just sorry that Cyrene is loosing a great writer who was to be here when the planet was released to write the evolving story line as planned.


Active Member
Gratz with MindStar Media, I know you can make it something great! I'm just sorry that Cyrene is loosing a great writer who was to be here when the planet was released to write the evolving story line as planned.

And for the record ... please re-read my post, because the only thing happening here with me, is that I won't have an "official" avatar anymore. Ties have not been severed with regard to writing projects, and it was mentioned in my post that Ed and I are working on alternatives, because I am not involved in planet production, or game-play mechanics, nor have access to it.

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
Gratz with MindStar Media, I know you can make it something great! I'm just sorry that Cyrene is loosing a great writer who was to be here when the planet was released to write the evolving story line as planned.

Again my dear ... I'm not going anywhere, and Ed and I are in discussion about all of this and how the logistics can be worked out, so ... it doesn't mean that I won't be working on storyline or other things Cyrene-related. My writing loyalty is to Cyrene, and will write for no other planet ... other than the results of our media adventures across the universe. However, that's not official or storyline writing, but rather the creative end result of our productions.

As an FYI ... there hasn't been much writing going on for quite some time because of the total focus on getting the planet ready for the hardcore launch. Perhaps after the full release things will change in that respect, but for now, Ed and the C-Team are very much hunkered down and eye-ball deep, so writing is basically taking a back burner for the time being.

Ed and I are definitely connected, so no need to worry about the unfolding of storyline with the planet, we just need to work a few things out. Besides, I mentioned that Ed doesn't give up easily, and we are both pleased that no door is being closed.

And btw ... thank you very much for your comment about my writing, it's appreciated. :thumbup:


Active Member
As an FYI ... there hasn't been much writing going on for quite some time because of the total focus on getting the planet ready for the hardcore launch. Perhaps after the full release things will change in that respect, but for now, Ed and the C-Team are very much hunkered down and eye-ball deep, so writing is basically taking a back burner for the time being.

Nice. Yes, what I've been telling people. To hold on and wait for the full release. But again, that's great that you will be apart of the team still. Cyrene needs you!

BTW, um, off topic: but NI needs you too..:bowdown:

EDIT: BTW, not putting anyone down here, but I did re-read the post and really all I got out of it was that you would make a great politician.:loveshower:

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
EDIT: BTW, not putting anyone down here, but I did re-read the post and really all I got out of it was that you would make a great politician.:loveshower:

I'm not really sure what you mean by that, nor how to take it to be honest. :headscratch:

I was quite clear in my post about the state of things as they stand now.

So I don't get what you consider to be politician-ish at all.

Facts are facts, simple as that.

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
whene is "release " date?

I appreciate your question, but this isn't the place for that discussion, and I would appreciate it if we can all keep this thread on topic and not distracted by non-related content.

Lykke, as our Community Manager, as well as Ed, have both commented on this topic in other threads.

Thank You! :)

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
The good ole days!! btw I fixed your post.:)

Them changing the way the grenade launcher works is one of the reason I lost interest in the game. :mad:

... the launchers work again!

Would you like to test them out after I'm sprung, or just have at it weaponless!