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Mini Patch / Armor NPCs Megathread

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
and the eternal question... the iron missions are gone... and the rewards like BPs in some missions? where are in the future? BP Hely, BP plasma weapon... and the missions for clothes with a xxx thousands kills? gone with the wind?

I'm preparing a response for this thread, but I'm going to move this one to the June 1st bug report one here:


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey pho_fire,

I appreciate you giving out a bit of your backstory to me (and other participants of this forum).

This was my second visit to Cyrene.... Looted 20 pec armor ingredients HoFs and saw the armor and thought GREAT armor.... Then wasted 1 hour looking for the armor NPC that didn't exist anymore.... Looted first 2 renegades parts for plates and thought GREAT, then realized that clearly they will fit the armor and be customized dmg type to Cyrene and there was no realistic chance to make the plates without the BPs meaning only a few players hold the keys to the castle and if they dont stump up the Ped and stay active the economy will stall like PA stable not working on Caly....

The armor plates ended up a bit different than intended, but I think could still make a good pairing.
It's difficult to keep the mission information up to date, and when searching you find everything related to it, I'll see about some kind of consolidation post.

What BPs? the statues?

Yeah, I assume he’s referring to the Cyrene Collectibles made from the Blueprints used in the upgrade missions.

Not all bad, loving the Codex intro and burning through this but long term I have no goals here.... There is a time window here at least for players coming here for Codex to keep them hooked.

Absolutely no complaints about Codex though.... Thoroughly enjoying burning through this and enjoying all the mobs Cyrene has to offer, 35/43 found so far. Clearly this is something that cannot be missed by anyone.

I’m glad there’s no complaints with it, in general players seem to be glad it’s here and working well.

I decided on a few day stopover on the way to Ark to grind remaining attribs Irons, Codex has hooked me in the short term but my clear concern as a relatively new Cyrene player is that without Cyrene tailored Armor and Plates there is no ability to compete long term.... The solution for existing players is great but what is the value add for new arrivals with the introduction of Codex?

Looting the first few Renegade my thinking after 24 hours is how nerfed is the drop rate on these parts and what competition for those few with BPs to keep the prices high to continue enticing fresh hunters with wrong armor....

Looking forward to your solutions

This is really something to think about for us, normally the split is: between new (to the game) players and existing Entropia players that are playing on Cyrene. The new players have a starting path, and existing players seem to jump into places where they feel they can fit skillswise.

For a long time we’ve had A.R.C. Faction Badges, but it’s a slow grind. Something that we’re looking at is a “catch up” mechanic if you have less than X badges there can be some special missions that will catch you up some amount of them near to where the average player is at but it’s just an idea.

I’ve also seen players who have sold their NPC access, but that’s more of a work around than a solution.

Still only a few days in, I am sure I still have a lot to learn about Cyrene. I sold the Adj piece to the first request this morning on impulse realizing the above.... Clearly with the Augmented piece on auction and the rest of Codex ahead of me I have plenty to loose raising these points too but I think all perspectives can help.

I have just Ranked 280 Attrib, I have seen a few mobs in my time
.... Ultimately though as I work my way through all planets I am looking for the best hunting grounds and opportunities to invest.

Of course, this was very eye opening to read. It’s part of the equation that we haven’t fully examined, but it should be looked at and addressed in a way that doesn't hamper players already in the system, nor hinders new players entering in, but it's not an easy solution.

Thank you for your feedback and information.



Cyrene Crusader
For a long time we’ve had A.R.C. Faction Badges, but it’s a slow grind. Something that we’re looking at is a “catch up” mechanic if you have less than X badges there can be some special missions that will catch you up some amount of them near to where the average player is at but it’s just an idea.

I’ve also seen players who have sold their NPC access, but that’s more of a work around than a solution.


You really should NOT make a "catch up"-mechanism to A.R.C Faction Badges. Those who have a lot of them have been paying their time and peds to get them. Handing out badges to newcomers is a slap in the face to those who did the hard work. Anyone can grind 1000+ A.R.C Badges if they have a 5+ month horizon (it's not long - and for 600 badges one needs barely 3 months, tops! One gets access to great armor sets for tt prize at 200 and 500 badges also). For those who are too lazy, they can pay players with a lot of badges to make them high-end plates. It just seems like a fair deal.

Aryana Ary Softheart

Active Member
You really should NOT make a "catch up"-mechanism to A.R.C Faction Badges. Those who have a lot of them have been paying their time and peds to get them. Handing out badges to newcomers is a slap in the face to those who did the hard work. Anyone can grind 1000+ A.R.C Badges if they have a 5+ month horizon (it's not long - and for 600 badges one needs barely 3 months, tops! One gets access to great armor sets for tt prize at 200 and 500 badges also). For those who are too lazy, they can pay players with a lot of badges to make them high-end plates. It just seems like a fair deal.

I'm with this post! A "Catch-Up" mechanic is a slap in the face to those that stuck with the grind. If someone wants something from the arc vendors, or to create the plates, then they should employee those people that have already received the appropriate amount of arc badges. Consider an example the Greater power crystal... there is no catch up mechanic for those that completed the quest up to the stage of the creating Greater power crystal... lesser/weaker crystals did not fall for an extremely long time, but people are working with the owners of Greater power crystals to complete their HK quest.

I repeat, a "Catch-up" mechanic would be an insult to those that have paid and worked towards ARC access...

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I wanted to touch on this part about A.R.C. Badges a bit:

You really should NOT make a "catch up"-mechanism to A.R.C Faction Badges. Those who have a lot of them have been paying their time and peds to get them. Handing out badges to newcomers is a slap in the face to those who did the hard work. Anyone can grind 1000+ A.R.C Badges if they have a 5+ month horizon (it's not long - and for 600 badges one needs barely 3 months, tops! One gets access to great armor sets for tt prize at 200 and 500 badges also). For those who are too lazy, they can pay players with a lot of badges to make them high-end plates. It just seems like a fair deal.
I'm with this post! A "Catch-Up" mechanic is a slap in the face to those that stuck with the grind. If someone wants something from the arc vendors, or to create the plates, then they should employee those people that have already received the appropriate amount of arc badges. Consider an example the Greater power crystal... there is no catch up mechanic for those that completed the quest up to the stage of the creating Greater power crystal... lesser/weaker crystals did not fall for an extremely long time, but people are working with the owners of Greater power crystals to complete their HK quest.

I know that we said it was something we were considering, however based on our internal discussions as well as feedback we’ve received here and in game, there are no plans for a catch up mechanic.

From a design standpoint, it’s quite tricky to design content for Entropia at times due to the large skill gap between players. The A.R.C. Badges, in particular, were designed in a way to be accessible to the most players on Cyrene. I understand that for higher level players this can feel tedious to put this time in.

In the development of Cyrene, there’s been a lot of ideas that get discussed internally, often for a long time, before they get shared and implemented into the game. It’s very difficult to change things once they are already in the game. This is doubly so in Entropia Universe, and we don’t want any players to feel slighted by any changes/adjustments/improvements to current systems on Cyrene.

I repeat, a "Catch-up" mechanic would be an insult to those that have paid and worked towards ARC access...

To reiterate, there are no plans for a catch up mechanic for A.R.C. Badges. For the foreseeable future the development for A.R.C. content will be missions and rewards for players with varying amounts of A.R.C. Badges.

I want to thank everyone for their feedback.



Active Member
Hey guys,

I wanted to touch on this part about A.R.C. Badges a bit:

The A.R.C. Badges, in particular, were designed in a way to be accessible to the most players on Cyrene. I understand that for higher level players this can feel tedious to put this time in.

To reiterate, there are no plans for a catch up mechanic for A.R.C. Badges. For the foreseeable future the development for A.R.C. content will be missions and rewards for players with varying amounts of A.R.C. Badges.
There needs to be A.R.C faction badges you can grind for different player levels.
A good example for missions is from Arkadia moon. You can choose between one mission, low level, medium and high. Each level has a specific maturity range, so it's harder the higher you go.
Same could be added for a.r.c faction badges, you can still reward same amount for each level and you can limit so you can only pick low, medium or high level a day. The point is to add a bit of flexibility and so it's less boring for players at higher level.

As in catch up I don't think it's a bad idea. Perhaps implement similiar thing like calypso dailies. Chance to get bonus daily for hunting/crafting that rewards a.r.c faction badges. On calypso the bonus daily gives 20 daily tokens, same could be for a.r.c faction badges.