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New Member
I am mining small rounds when i do visist Cyrene.. Done decent but now to my issue.. I have done stage 1 blue crystals.. but cant seem to find where i start stage 2 blue crystal.. The reg bot that have enmatter missions dont give for blue

Hopefully some can point me in right direction on how to get stage 2 if it in fact do exist :)


Not sure if there is one because i haven't been able to find it either but a lot of the others do have stage 2 and zorn has stage 3 as i'm on that one atm. All the stage 2's and the 3 are from the same bot's so i would assume stage 2 blue wqould be too.


New Member
Thats what i tought also, but that bot give me stage 2 to 4 of most but not the blue, asked friends that know cyrene better then me but no anwers that can say yes or no to stage 2 blue.. all the other is going good, on stage 3 and 4 on most.. seems the blue is just for dailys from now on :)'

Thanks for reply Flug :)

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Flug is right here:

All the stage 2's and the 3 are from the same bot's so i would assume stage 2 blue wqould be too.

And assumes correctly, however, I'm not sure when this mission got borked up, but it will be corrected for the next PP VU and stages 2 and 2 should correctly come from Iron Mining Challenger Bot - Surveyor.
