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Mission Galactica

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Sub-Zero,

All vendor item stock, can you be a tiny bit more specific? Does this imply that the UL sib weapons available from the A.R.C faction vendors are finally gonna be stocked? A simple yes/no answer will suffice. Don't need more details than that.

That is the plan, I don't know how it will shake out yet.



Active Member
Vacuum Flux Energy Generator drops from Wiles
wow, those mobs are a really black hole, I heard they only eat ped and nothing interesting about them, since I get here I had few runs, only loss for me. I cant see how a mob whit 17 ped/kill give 2 ped in return, few of those in a row and u are fixed.

nice to see the vacuum is in loot tho, but I don't recommend huntin' for them, ever.


Amber Knightley

New Member
Hey Rusty,

I don't know if I'm allowed to say what loots them, but I'll talk to MA and see what I can share about it. Although that probably won't be for another 48 hours at least.

I doubt you are allowed to share that information, I hope you are not allowed to share that information, I hope you wont share that information.
If such information is shared that would ruin too much, in so many aspects!

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Amber,

Can you elaborate anymore on this?

I doubt you are allowed to share that information, I hope you are not allowed to share that information, I hope you wont share that information.
If such information is shared that would ruin too much, in so many aspects!


Amber Knightley

New Member
Hmm, I don't want this thread to turn into such a discussion :)
So wont elaborate too much I guess.

I love the communication you guys do around Cyrene, the statement that the items are in fact in the loot tables is far enough for me personally. And I believe that should be enough.

Hints in storyline, either on forums etc. or in the game like mission dialogues etc. is cool.
Or which ever way you develop your storyline around Cyrene.

But I don't like you the devs to post a table telling us that from now you can find item X in mob Y.
That kinda defeats the idea of us figuring things out ourselves.
And also by giving us too much details it can impact the economy A LOT and it will also impact what parts of the game people will spend most time in...

I guess what I'm trying to say in short is: Let us figure this world out by ourselves :)
If you want more harsh comments or me to elaborate some more, shoot me a PM.

P.S. Thanks for the bug fixing and the notice in the other threads!
Bug free worlds and great content will make us stick around and come back.


Active Member
Hmm, I don't want this thread to turn into such a discussion :)
So wont elaborate too much I guess.

I love the communication you guys do around Cyrene, the statement that the items are in fact in the loot tables is far enough for me personally. And I believe that should be enough.

Hints in storyline, either on forums etc. or in the game like mission dialogues etc. is cool.
Or which ever way you develop your storyline around Cyrene.

But I don't like you the devs to post a table telling us that from now you can find item X in mob Y.
That kinda defeats the idea of us figuring things out ourselves.
And also by giving us too much details it can impact the economy A LOT and it will also impact what parts of the game people will spend most time in...

I guess what I'm trying to say in short is: Let us figure this world out by ourselves :)
If you want more harsh comments or me to elaborate some more, shoot me a PM.

P.S. Thanks for the bug fixing and the notice in the other threads!
Bug free worlds and great content will make us stick around and come back.


can u figured out this for me pls? on your ped card? cause I'm really interested to find out witch mobs drop those parts.

also I don't know what school u finished, if u did( too young) but telling this detail will never impact the economy in any way, is like I m telling u the kids from Africa dying of starving here and there, and that is going to change the economy and all will be good from now on ^^...seriously is just an info that has to be confirmed once said. Too much details is a far statement for this info.

so if an info is found sooner or later ( depends on the number of participants witch in this case are not too many ) I prefer to have an earlier heads up.

my humble opinion

Rusty Venture

Back on Cyrene
But I don't like you the devs to post a table telling us that from now you can find item X in mob Y.
That kinda defeats the idea of us figuring things out ourselves.
And also by giving us too much details it can impact the economy A LOT and it will also impact what parts of the game people will spend most time in...

I guess what I'm trying to say in short is: Let us figure this world out by ourselves :)
If you want more harsh comments or me to elaborate some more, shoot me a PM.

Tables can and will be made by users themselves, why not save a little time and effort getting it from the devs?

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I received confirmation from MindArk that I am, in fact, not allowed to share that sort of loot information on here.



Active Member
Missions etc are supposed to be figured out by the 'customers'. That is the way MA envisioned it, that way money is spent and they profit. If 'staff' told everyone what was where and how to do it, it'd not only ruin the fun for the most of the folks who like to find stuff themselves but possibly put a dent in MA's bottom line. Then there will be those who spent a shit ton of ped to figure something out, only to have 'staff' blurt it out then cry like red headed step children that it is not fair because they spent ped to find some info, decided not to share it, then 'staff' outed them, bla bla. We have seen this kind of crap before.

In the end, it's just much... simpler.. for everyone if planet partners, or their helpers ie 'staff' do not discuss mechanics at all and avoid any cries of favoritism bla bla woof. Especially in a cash economy game. Someone has a bad night and a lot of additional problems could arise.

With that though, there is NOTHING wrong now, if a member does figure something out and decides to share it... or not.


Amber Knightley

New Member
Hey guys,

I received confirmation from MindArk that I am, in fact, not allowed to share that sort of loot information on here.

Like I said ;)
Missions etc are supposed to be figured out by the 'customers'. That is the way MA envisioned it, that way money is spent and they profit. If 'staff' told everyone what was where and how to do it, it'd not only ruin the fun for the most of the folks who like to find stuff themselves but possibly put a dent in MA's bottom line. Then there will be those who spent a shit ton of ped to figure something out, only to have 'staff' blurt it out then cry like red headed step children that it is not fair because they spent ped to find some info, decided not to share it, then 'staff' outed them, bla bla. We have seen this kind of crap before.

In the end, it's just much... simpler.. for everyone if planet partners, or their helpers ie 'staff' do not discuss mechanics at all and avoid any cries of favoritism bla bla woof. Especially in a cash economy game. Someone has a bad night and a lot of additional problems could arise.

With that though, there is NOTHING wrong now, if a member does figure something out and decides to share it... or not.

I share your thoughts.