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Bug Report Mission Window Spam

Tengu Yama Mono

New Member
OPS!? Every time a do any thing, mine, shoot, etc - except from standing still and chat
I get error message windows for some reason - mining: 1 drop= 10 windows? ewww!

OK I post a pic along with my COMPLAINT lol!
Please notice that I am trying that I am trying to "talk" to the robot who hold one of
missions,. That is what this screen shot show.

When crafting, mining, hunting I get theese error messages:
An unexpected error have occured in the processing of the following quest/mission:
Blue Crystals for Wilco
Code: 0

An unexpected error have occured in the processing of the following quest/mission:
Yellow Crystals?
Code: 0

An unexpected error have occured in the processing of the following quest/mission:
Code: 0

I also bought me a BP book on arival - mistake and would like to sell it back
(EMPTY! and CLOSED) But get this error message:

when selling BP book back to tech:
Containers need to be closed before they can be traded.

Uber kind regards
Tengu :)

Fix it plz? Yesss?



Travelling through time...
Disable all daily missions - it should solve it. Unless it's something new.

Tengu Yama Mono

New Member

YES! TY :)
Thank you :) Yes realy no problem - I saw that when I was about to give away green chrystals - there the bug was again?
I skiped the yellow, blue and green missions - as they all arerepeatable there is absolutly no problem GREAT and ty - and sry lol!

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I have tried to re-create this issue, however I did not get any unexpected error mission spam. My best guess is these missions you have are bugged out in someway and you should abandon them and start them again. This should fix the issue.

