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Mob aggression and re-spawn


again, I have no idea...
Not a bug maybe, but something I found really annoying. I have come across a few mobs with way to much aggression. Some of them:
  • Sky Wraith
  • Tree Dragon
  • Tide Claw
If I shoot one of them from a distance of about 65 meters I instantly have a group of at least 10 of them around me.

One other thing is that the re-spawn rate of the Tide Claw is to high, you have no time to run away from a spot you just killed one before a new one spawns


Active Member
Tide claw spawn is great it does low damage & I find it easy to get away by running to the shore, or summon your vtol/quad ect.


again, I have no idea...
True, but for a newbie mob they are not that easy. If spawn rate was just lets say 10-15 seconds more it should be OK


Active Member
Then they would need to add more spawns, cuz 15 sec waiting time to kill one mob ain't ok for me. I'm a low lvl grinder kinda of fellah with descent skills. Though for those weak crabs even a newbie can survive long enough to get away if he wishes, or he can just simply let himself die and respawn at nearest revival terminal =D.


again, I have no idea...
Ok so maybe the crabs are not the biggest issue, the other 2 however are a bit more of a problem. I don't mind 2 or 3 at a time, but 10 or 12 (sometimes) is a bit much :)