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Modded FAP mission


Active Member
There is a new mission in the Supply Depot at location
138 505 .77 285 The NPC's name is Medical Tech Orandius

He is offering a FAP for completing the mission which is in several steps. I see 8 steps in the list you have to complete.

I will list the stuff needed here for the mission as I find it / learn it so everyone knows what they will be needing to start hoarding for the mission.

Step 1. 200 each Bones - Found on panelions I think?, also dragons.

Step 2. 75 each Bone in meat, I have found on dragons and tidal claws.

Step 3. 250 each Kill Weak Panelion - Should get fap at this point.

Step 4. 250 each Kill Young Crystalpede - Don't forget there are missions for these as well and the Daily Tempo Mission.

Step 5. 250 each Kill Duster Scavenger

Thank you to Thantos for providing additional information.

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Fate Thanatos Themis
There is a new mission in the Supply Depot at location
138 505 .77 285 The NPC's name is Medical Tech Orandius

He is offering a FAP for completing the mission which is in several steps. I see 8 steps in the list you have to complete.

I will list the stuff needed here for the mission as I find it / learn it so everyone knows what they will be needing to start hoarding for the mission.

Step 1. 200 each Bones - Found on panelions I think?, also dragons.
Step 2. 75 each Bone in meat, I have found on dragons and tidal claws

stay tuned, ill fill in the info as I learn it.

here is some data, use if u like http://cyrenesecrets.com/noob-fap-mission-chain/

shaun 27

New Member
Just like to point out that this mission becomes bugged at least for me on stage 4, when i put the fap in the widow to complete stage 4 an error message came up saying code o or something. You can not go on to the next stages until it is sorted.

So i found a work around if this happens to you log out then back in again MAKE SURE FAP IS FULL TT as this is what is causing it.

If this has already been said then sorry didn't check else where on the forums otherwise cyrene devs can treat this as a bug that needs squashing.



Well-Known Member
It never hurts to point it out again. :)
If it was reported, it was reported when the mission got introduced (noticed it myself back then as well), so it's good to know the error still occurs.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

Yes, the old FAPs have to be at full TT or the mission won't work, this is integrated into almost all missions anyways as a way to deal with exploiting.

We'll make sure this is more clear in the future.


Amber Knightley

New Member
Hey guys,

Yes, the old FAPs have to be at full TT or the mission won't work, this is integrated into almost all missions anyways as a way to deal with exploiting.

We'll make sure this is more clear in the future.

Just push hard to get proper error messages that we understand!
Issues like these are far to common. Anyway, nice mission, I'm working on it :)

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Amber,

Just push hard to get proper error messages that we understand!

This is something we'd also like very much, however, it's not currently possible. For now we'll have to resort to better explaining the mission requirements through text.



Dave Neuromancer
The initial mission is bugged for me. When I accept the mission and close the window it gets aborted. Is there some pre-condition to start the mission?


New Member
i got the same thing
when i got the 200 bones,i talked to npc and completed the stage 1; then got the same thing with the stage2.
stage 3 and others are mob kills, missions works like any other and get tracked .

Bakh Baccus

New Member
GeJUst as Sakransel above said, first get the bones, then accept the mission. The idea of the mission is that when you aceppt it, the NPC wants the bones right then and there, so no bones = abort.


Dave Neuromancer
The bone and bone in meat drops step one and step two are huge ped burners. From step 3 the return on hunting is within reason.
Is it possible for Cyrene devs to increase the bone and bone in meat drop by a factor of 5 or 10? The fap is an ava bound item and at the moment feels like a ped grab by the Cyrene crew (Although we can always blame the evil MA). This would be very disappointing if true.


Active Member
Neuromancer, the bones seem to fall in waves. If you are not getting any, just plink around and try a bit later. Feeling like a ped burner and a ped grab, yes unfortunately many things on cyrene have people feeling that way lately. In my opinion, seems last few months the whole planet has turned into a ped suck. Loots have gone way down, mobs been stingy, mining not good. Every time I went there, no matter what I did, I lost ped and pretty quick too. I have been on Ark now for the past several weeks and was making very good ped with the harvesting thing but it appears that train has pulled out of the station and it's not going to happen much longer. Oh well, the ride was fun while it lasted. Ive been mining on Ark here as well and doing pretty good actually, a hell of a lot better than I ever did on Cy.

I don't know what is going on with Cyrene, and it's been amusingly quiet here lately concerning them. People have asked some legit questions and they have been mostly unanswered. I don't know what to tell you to be honest.

I will probably go to Cy this weekend to get some of my ped I left there, I might poke around a bit see how things are and if it's still the same way over there, im pretty much done. If they ever go live I might return but the way it's looking now, the common feeling on the streets is that's not going to happen.

Best of luck to you.


Dave Neuromancer
Hey Sluggo.

Thank you for the quick and dead-on-target response. I was doing the math on the fap mission and came up with the conclusion the mission was crazy.

However, if you do the math on most EU missions it would be better to sit at home and try a 2000 piece jigsaw puzzle. A beautiful result much faster.

Grinding this mission should clear the 5k tide claw mission for me.

GL and good loot to everyone still on Cyrene.