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Modded FAP mission


Active Member
... it appears that train has pulled out of the station and it's not going to happen much longer.

I think you can use that phrase for lots of things developed/implemented recently....
There used to be a 'useful period' of new stuff of at least a year, so any extra costs to get a nice item could be used to be more efficient, faster etc. However, right now I don't have much faith in anything new being a good 'investment'.

I would have done trees on Cyrene if they had been added - that needs neither the mission armour, nor the fap, though. I may have done space monsters at a Cyrene training ground if they had had one of those, but again - nope!

On topic for this thread - I have gathered quite a lot of bones - which I thought would get some useful mu finally, but the thing is, I try and do 'honest work' even in VR, and frankly, I've lost the will to sell anyone bones at any price, given that I don't support the mission it is part of. Shame really.... but a nice thread account and I hope you enjoy your progress, truely!


Dave Neuromancer
A rant, but...

I really hated this mission chain. I mean seriously hated. (Just cleaning up the last 50 or so gale vortex).

The initial bone stage is backwards compared to almost 95% of all missions in game. Get the bones then accept the mission? Give me a break.

Stage 1 and 2 are tough for a player with 2 or 3 hours game time per day. Unfortunately real life often gets in the way of serious gaming.
Stage 3 onwards are just straight up hunting missions, some can be done in an hour or less. The nimets were fun - I dusted off my old evisc Tbird armor (a little bit of armor overkill) but I think a low HP player will struggle with this stage. (Note to self, hunt bigger nimets).
The last 2 stages on the living vortex are not so hard but the mobs tend to have high aggro.

Then I spent some time thinking about this mission chain while riding my bicycle, comparing it to the skullcandy/viceroy armor mission on Ark. It took me 30 minutes and about 400ped looting the auction and with traders to complete the quest for 7 UL ava-bound armor pieces. Impact on Ark economy? Almost zero.

The noob fap quest forces you to spend time and effort on Cyrene. I actually agree with Jetsina's comment above that bone/meat in bone should be kept out of auction. If you want the prize, work the mobs and burn the ped to get it.

I really hated this mission chain.

However I think it is the best mission template for a multi-stage UL item reward.


Offering anyone or team free fapping on this mission chain.
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Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
imo, the bone & bone-in-meat as it is, is fine. It gives the lower lvl'd players rare loot with a crazy high markup, take that away and i think a lot of lower players could leave. The jump to nimets is quite a big step, i just used pixie armor on the punies and it was fine


Active Member
or the fap's first 2 stages are exactly the same thing as u do when u hunt, just in a different way, u don't have to hunt 1000 mobs to loot 200 bones, u just bring the bones.. if u don't have them just buy from the guy who has and that's called economy.

and if u don't have time cause IRL is more important for u ( some of u ) don't bring that here, it is a game, u play if u want or if u have time, no1 put u to do something against your will so your time your problem the game is not made to be fit for some, that way me or anyone else can ask idk like to stop dropping items cause I m not online until I m online and everyone else should wait for me cause I m important and I want to be part of the game but the harsh IRL issue keep me away from this game...doooh

oh and btw, I would love to see this fap going to a mod version thru adj and imp stages, no matter how hard would be, and I believe cyrene should have some "infected mushrooms" somewhere to do this ^^, or maybe some [Basic Targeting Chip] since those are so rare. despite the fact I believe the mission should bring ppl here not money into trades, ....or maybe both? ( just a thought )
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k just figured I post I tried the fap mission and got to stage 7 this is my conclusion. the ped loss for I had for this mission is not worth it. 250 nimit 70ped loss 40 breezy votex thing 17 ped. not including the rest of the ped u lose before this. I idea is good but to call this a noob flap mission. I can honesty say I don't thing any noob could even do this. lvl 27 blp sniper lvl 14 evader and was dieing a lot to the nimit and votex. the best advise I can give ppl wanting to try this mission get up to the nimits and quit the only way this mission can work with out losing ur house trying.

just a fyi if u walk backward while trying the kill the nimit they don't hit u as hard 8 to 15 damage when I did that vs 20 to 32 standing still
First off I'm a Cyrene native, still a noob and have not started this quest. I personally like the idea of the quest and would pick it up if/when I need a decent fap. With my hunting skill level I would only be able to get to stage lvl 5, but that's not an issue. My paramedic skill is <1, so I would only get stage I fap at this point, as going any higher would be uneco. I would then train up the paramedic skill until I'm level 1 and upgrade the fap. Repeat until all stages are clear.

I like the fact that the fap upgrades with my paramedic skill level 1 level at a time. Also that the quest chain isn't done immediately isn't a problem to me, as I still need to build skill levels to be able to properly use it.

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
i think i finished it about 120 ped down, could have easily been better as i got upto the 1st gale stage in profit. the mission is a tricky one for new players, but it shouldn't be expected to be get this fap easy, at max stage its far superior to the S10 from Caly. and is it called Noob fap in game?

best way to help is to grab another player either to team (make sure you get 50%+ damage) or another who is at the same stage and take turns getting points, that way you share the costs and avoid damage and regen. The gales are pretty easy in comparision to nimets, just try to avoid getting more than 1 on you or your armour repair costs will be insane


Active Member
VI is the endfap? Because I would like to tier it.. but if I have to turn my fap in again for a higher reward.. tiers are gone...