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Molten Golems damage type?


Anybody knows the damage type of Molten Golems? They hit for 100+ in phantom, robot armor, naked....

Maybe some exotic damage? One could think they were 100% burn....

I'm clueless.


New Member

Anybody knows the damage type of Molten Golems? They hit for 100+ in phantom, robot armor, naked....

Maybe some exotic damage? One could think they were 100% burn....

I'm clueless.

They do burn and acid damage, no other types. No clue how much burn and how much acid though, but knowing the types should help already I hope. Good luck !
I can can confirm that they do Acid+Burn. I'm not sure if its 50/50 or 66/33 (more acid, because they hit so hard sometimes...).

Thanks for the help !


Burn, and little acid.

Unless u have Quickness forget conventional hunting logic.
Think out of the box, that's what the devs intended to do.

AoE ;)
Doing the ARC missions and I'm stuck with the Golem.
Thinking outside of the box?? good comments but is it possible to be more precise for a technology inferior like me!:headscratch::headscratch::nana:

I try a couple of stuff so far and not being successful!

Anyone has a little secret that they.re willing to share! I swear I will keep it ....secret....



Fate Thanatos Themis
if u attack them below 20m, they approach u and attack close combat with AOE attack, that:
- deal less dmg, than ranged attack
- dmg is split between the team, so if ur 5 ppl = no armor required


New Member
if u attack them below 20m, they approach u and attack close combat with AOE attack, that:
- deal less dmg, than ranged attack
- dmg is split between the team, so if ur 5 ppl = no armor required

Does anyone know approximately how much dmg they do close combat?
Does the close combat attack still do burn and acid dmg or does it change?
According to cyrene secrets they do about 175 dmg, I guess that is the ranged attack.