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Wish List Move the ARC Badges to Misc or make them un-TTable

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
Hi, im just wondering if something could be altered with the badges, mainly to combat my stupidity :confused:. the problem was i finished a run, picked out all the loot i was storing, then turned in my missions and finished by TTing the loot..... lost 8 badges (not a big loss but annoying)

would it be possible to either move the badges into the misc tab or maybe make the badges un-TTable like free items which would make a popup appear

Magnus Mag Ogg

New Member
if you can't find something it is always good idea to log into entropiauniverse.com->my account->my items
then pres ctrl+F (this is to search a webpage in your browser), type in what you search and look where you put it:D

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
if you can't find something it is always good idea to log into entropiauniverse.com->my account->my items
then pres ctrl+F (this is to search a webpage in your browser), type in what you search and look where you put it:D
yea ill give that a shot when i get home, i'm at work at the moment and my GC isn't with me. probably just miscounted tho, thinking about it i have started using merge all stacks to avoid missing something again and that would have found it and moved it to storage


Active Member
merge all stacks doesn't always either. Yah you are a hoarder, join the club. I looked at my crap the other day, 700 ped of a certain crap item in one storage, common sense says to TT it, the hoarder in me says well, you never know, something MIGHT happen where it's worth ped in the future and you can profit off it.

When I die, they will have a blast in my vault LOL.

Also don't forget when you go over 500 items in your locker they disappear from view too so maybe that happened?
Worse case, just give them to me so you don't have to worry about them :p
