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My clothing discoveries thus far (will update)


Clothing Menace
I have noticed chat blasting with Master Chief and MrX's names over and over, I'm overly obsessed with clothing and design in this game and figured I'd go on another attempted discovery run to Cyrene (tried to do it with RT, but caps are so ugly I didn't give a flying F)


I pretty early discovered my first one, after going through only a couple of hundred clicks. I kept at it and pretty soon discovered a few more.
Paradigm Pants Series 2 (F,C).jpg

Paradigm Shirt Series 7 (F,C).jpg

Paradigm Shirt Series 7 (M,C).jpg

I noticed with the pants that there were only 2 customizable fields so the grey fields inside the patterns on the side was uncustomizable. I will upload more pictures later of how customizable these clothes are. Hopefully it was an isolated case with the pants, because the patterns on these new Cyrene clothes are INSANE <3

That's my little day 1 experience on cyrene, I will keep uploading new finds on here.


Clothing Menace
I opened the colorator to see if all clothes had fields that were uncostumizable.
Paradigm Shirt Series 7 M colored.jpg

Paradigm Shirt Series 7 Colored.jpg

With the shirts ( series 7 F and M) all fields were customizable and looked good. It seems that it's only the Pants Series 2 I've discovered that has only 2 fields of customization.
Paradigm Pants Series 2 F Texturized.jpg

This actually is quite significant since there will always be patterns that can't be colored and will always look grey and flat. Also had some problems previewing them, when I opened the pants with the colorator the preview was blank, in my inventory it often just shows as a red cross, unable to show the icon of the pants. This leads me to believe the pants aren't finished yet. May just be my machine that has some internal struggles, but who knows. I'm hoping they will allow the last field of the pants to be customized in the future. Such great designs shouldn't be untouched by designers.
Hoping that will be fixed in the next VU, but that aside these clothes are really awesome AND unlimited <3


Clothing Menace
So I hit a new bp during crafting session and glowed yet again. I found the Paradigm Shirt Series 5 BP and right away crafted 2 shirts to check the designs out.

Paradigm Shirt Series 5 (M,C).jpg

Paradigm Shirt Series 5 (F,C).jpg

Still wondering if there will some lore added to these shirts, I am always looking for more dorky stuff to read up on *hint hint*

I'm pretty amazed with how many cool patterns these people over at Cyrene dev team can come up with. I'm especially fond of the male version of this shirt. The front of the shirt gives out a Transformers look with the design, really looking forward to seeing what designers can do with these clothes. The female one was a lot more circly than the previous ones I've seen, more rounded edges all around, and some really simple lines on the back that for some reason gave me the feeling of belonging to a water tribe woman from Avatar: The Last Airbender.

All fun and games, I decided to try out my previously discovered clothes and give them a simple coloring

pants 2, shirt 7.png

That outfit was made out of the Paradigm Series 2 pants and 7 shirt. I'm still bothered with the third uncustomizable field on the pants that are grey. can't really do much about that, but words through the grapevines was that they might be adjusted in a coming VU.

So there's day 2 on Cyrene. Great stuff yet again, can't wait to try and get some more fun stuff discovered, if there's any left that is :)

Master Chief

Smuggler - Hibernation
Good to see other people are getting discoveries, I was starting to think everyone just wanted myself to find them :)


Discoveries left to be found:

Paradigm Shirt Series 1 M + F
Paradigm Shirt Series 2 M + F
Paradigm Shirt Series 6 F

That's all the tips ill give :)


Good to see other people are getting discoveries, I was starting to think everyone just wanted myself to find them :)

Huh. you knowI'm just feeding mats into the crafting machine and getting bugger-all out :D. at least with clothing. Doing Ok with texture prints...now. But i had 7k dry clicks before I landed my first one of those.

For every lucky one there's another 10 or so who just feed the machines. And i guess it my turn to be one of those others right now *sigh*

jay :)


Btw, Chief...youknow I said that the (F) shirts are all bugged? Well, ah, ummm, they are not. Its just that they are not as long as that series 7 up there, so I really thought they had bits missing.

Well i don't like displaying my belly, so they all do have bits missing IMO, even series 7. But it's not a bug after all, I guess *chuckle*

That said, I'm a bit loathe to customise clothing that wouldn't wear mysef, cos I'd fel such a prat if nobody else wanted them either :D

The (M) are a different matter. I would wear those...if they fit me lol

jay :)