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My to heck with it moment!


Active Member
Maybe we need more guideance from MA as to what we should do. Maybe we should get warnings this mob is level 100 you are level 30 it's way to big for you. I have actually wondered lately about matching my pro level to mob level personaly i've found it helps.
This is what I do. Partly cuz I'm still skilling, but part because it seems reasonable. If you keep with mobs around your profession level, your combat abilities as a whole should be around that area too, so you get hit less, have to heal less, and have less decay in general.


New Member

Fact is people just keep gambling, and treating entropia like a slot machine throw more money at something so you get bigger returns.
I sometimes wonder if the community as a whole just over guns themselves as a whole to much. I think maybe everyone needs to scale back and maybe the universe will balance itself out.
^^ This!

I see a lot of people gambling with amounts of money no not-EU player would ever believe me. Turning over huge sums each day, sums from what we'd buy our food for a month. They're in the chase of the dreaded JackPot ...

Most of them but some very few sooner or later come to the forums and are complaining about their huge losses. Doesn't make me wonder ...
The very few some actually profiting are usually the ones that already have gear and skill worth insane amounts of money, by far beyond the capabilities of any not age-old player - you'd not buy Shadow/Angel, ModMerc, ImpMk.II, ModFap, and the necessary skills anymore today - you'd actually need to sell house, wife, children, pets and, not to forget, your soul for this. And even then you'd be very lucky to get the full set ...

Due to demand of these gamblers EU has become a game of "chasing the jackpot". For sure, such only works for a very limited number of players, not everybody can have a jackpot any other day. And this means that for the few actually getting the huge jackpots many, many, others have to bleed serious money - PED's don't grow on trees, someone has to loose them before they can be distributed again.

IMHO this isn't what would add to the success of the game, and to an increase in player numbers. It makes EU a game of classes. Lemme explain:
  • There's a few "chosen ones" that came in time (or invested insane sums to close up in time) that earn good money and withdraw regularly.
    These are players used as "role model" by MA, and thus nurtured.
  • Then there's a quite big bunch of "wannabes" spending insane money. These are the main loosers, the true gambling addicts. They come to the forums, they buy big gear and amps, they shine in the "UberLoots" once or twice, and then they're gone pretty soon again - usually they are playing ways beyond their possibilities, chasing the jackpot, and quite quickly abandon then, due to an angry wife, an empty bank account, or whatever.
    These are the players most beloved by MA.
  • Not to forget - the newbies. They come, they go. Very few are staying, these usually become above mentioned "wannabes", stay for that long as it takes to waste their saved money, then leave in desperation, sucked dry.
    MA doesn't care much about these, as long as they're not ready to drop serious money.
  • And then there's some few players that have found their niche. Usually hunting/ mining/ crafting at a ridiculous low level (compared to their skills), rarely losing any money, usually keeping their PED balance, or even slowly improving it. Very rarely getting a jackpot.
    Because these are the players most hated by MA.
It has become a nasty game, since PE became EU. I don't like this. Too much gambling.

I'm here waiting/ hoping for my gear/ skills getting a value again, then selling out whatever I can spare. Not this much hope - but no reason to panic. If I count my "time played" against usual monthly wages for an abo game I'm at equal costs. So anything I'd get out would be pure win, wOOOOOt!

Have a good time!




^^ This!

I see a lot of people gambling with amounts of money no not-EU player would ever believe me. Turning over huge sums each day, sums from what we'd buy our food for a month. They're in the chase of the dreaded JackPot ...

Most of them but some very few sooner or later come to the forums and are complaining about their huge losses. Doesn't make me wonder ...
The very few some actually profiting are usually the ones that already have gear and skill worth insane amounts of money, by far beyond the capabilities of any not age-old player - you'd not buy Shadow/Angel, ModMerc, ImpMk.II, ModFap, and the necessary skills anymore today - you'd actually need to sell house, wife, children, pets and, not to forget, your soul for this. And even then you'd be very lucky to get the full set ...

Due to demand of these gamblers EU has become a game of "chasing the jackpot". For sure, such only works for a very limited number of players, not everybody can have a jackpot any other day. And this means that for the few actually getting the huge jackpots many, many, others have to bleed serious money - PED's don't grow on trees, someone has to loose them before they can be distributed again.

IMHO this isn't what would add to the success of the game, and to an increase in player numbers. It makes EU a game of classes. Lemme explain:
  • There's a few "chosen ones" that came in time (or invested insane sums to close up in time) that earn good money and withdraw regularly.
    These are players used as "role model" by MA, and thus nurtured.
  • Then there's a quite big bunch of "wannabes" spending insane money. These are the main loosers, the true gambling addicts. They come to the forums, they buy big gear and amps, they shine in the "UberLoots" once or twice, and then they're gone pretty soon again - usually they are playing ways beyond their possibilities, chasing the jackpot, and quite quickly abandon then, due to an angry wife, an empty bank account, or whatever.
    These are the players most beloved by MA.
  • Not to forget - the newbies. They come, they go. Very few are staying, these usually become above mentioned "wannabes", stay for that long as it takes to waste their saved money, then leave in desperation, sucked dry.
    MA doesn't care much about these, as long as they're not ready to drop serious money.
  • And then there's some few players that have found their niche. Usually hunting/ mining/ crafting at a ridiculous low level (compared to their skills), rarely losing any money, usually keeping their PED balance, or even slowly improving it. Very rarely getting a jackpot.
    Because these are the players most hated by MA.
It has become a nasty game, since PE became EU. I don't like this. Too much gambling.

I'm here waiting/ hoping for my gear/ skills getting a value again, then selling out whatever I can spare. Not this much hope - but no reason to panic. If I count my "time played" against usual monthly wages for an abo game I'm at equal costs. So anything I'd get out would be pure win, wOOOOOt!

Have a good time!
Thanxz for translating what I have been trying to say for yrs now. You can have my Horse. I got others.