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Need of Salvaging locations with parts

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Travelling through time...

Vehicle Master - 138850, 77070, 115 (near A.R.C. Staging teleport - 138800, 77070, 112)

Quest: Spears in Need of Salvaging (INCOMPLETE!)
[133531, 78289, 121]
[135344, 78647, 110]
[136337, 80386, 101]
[135372, 79700, 143]​
Reward: Spear Mk. III (L) Blueprint (L) 10 clicks

Quest: P.I.G.V.s in Need of Salvaging
[133305, 77868, 101]
[135281, 74588, 96]
[133958, 78035, 109]
[138132, 76263, 109]
[135819, 79913, 146]​
Reward: A.R.C. P.I.G.V. Mk. II (L) Blueprints (L) 10 clicks

Quest: Dragonflys in Need of Salvaging
[134468, 78754, 95]
[137965, 76710, 99]
[136405, 76769, 135]
[137008, 78094, 117]
[131957, 80030, 108]​
Reward: Dragonfly v1 (L) Blueprint (L) 10 clicks

Quest: Lancers in Need of Salvaging
[132137, 75824, 111]
[136172, 75791, 108]
[138180, 76561, 99]
[136813, 77786, 137]
[132676, 80220, 118]​
Reward: Imperium Spec Lancer (L) Blueprint (L) 10 clicks
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Travelling through time...
Introducing a new option on how to make easier all the part finding process.

If finding the right coordinates for the parts and adding the waypoints is hard for you for whatever reason or you are simply new to the game and don't know what to do then this is for you.

All you need to do is let me know your full avatar name. You can do this in several ways - post it in this thread, send me a private message in this forum or do it in the game - find me in player register (Right mouse button on the screen - System - Player Register) and search for Sniper TunerS Eagle

After I receive your full avatar name, I will send you an e-mail in the game with all the information about this salvaging mission. That includes coordinates to the mission NPC, to the closest teleport and for every salvaging part. All coordinates will be active and after pressing them it will give you a waypoint in the map.

A little tutorial for those who are not familiar with ingame messaging system.

On the top left corner in your game you can see this little icon.
Message Center.jpg

After pressing it you can see all your ingame messages.
Open Message Center.jpg

Press the message to expand it.
Short Message.jpg

Alternatively you can just click the small arrow on the top right corner of the message to view it in the new window.
Message In New Window.jpg

To see the whole message without scrolling it you just have to drag the bottom border of the message window to expand it.


Well-Known Member
Introducing a new option on how to make easier all the part finding process.

If finding the right coordinates for the parts and adding the waypoints is hard for you for whatever reason or you are simply new to the game and don't know what to do then this is for you.

All you need to do is let me know your full avatar name. You can do this in several ways - post it in this thread, send me a private message in this forum or do it in the game - find me in player register (Right mouse button on the screen - System - Player Register) and search for Sniper TunerS Eagle

After I receive your full avatar name, I will send you an e-mail in the game with all the information about this salvaging mission. That includes coordinates to the mission NPC, to the closest teleport and for every salvaging part. All coordinates will be active and after pressing them it will give you a waypoint in the map.

A little tutorial for those who are not familiar with ingame messaging system.

On the top left corner in your game you can see this little icon.
View attachment 2505
After pressing it you can see all your ingame messages.
View attachment 2506
Press the message to expand it.
View attachment 2510
Alternatively you can just click the small arrow on the top right corner of the message to view it in the new window.
View attachment 2509
To see the whole message without scrolling it you just have to drag the bottom border of the message window to expand it.
View attachment 2507
Sticky note would be easier, but yes that is also a good way to keep information :beerchug:


Travelling through time...
Can't send sticky note to another player. This is for the players who don't want to waste time adding all the waypoints manually to the map. Remember that you can only have 10 waypoints in the map at a time.

See this post to receive an ingame mail with working coordinates - will save you a lot of time.

Players who can send the list upon request:
Sniper TunerS Eagle
Remy Master Chief Lebeau
You can PM any of these players in order to receive an ingame e-mail with this mission list.
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Travelling through time...
NOTE: In case I didn't send the list to anyone who added me as a friend ingame, please PM me again that you want the list and I will send it as soon as possible. Looks like this service is getting popular :)


Just found this Downed Spear here: [136830, 77184, 120]

Pos differs a lot from other parts so my guess it was this misterious missing Thruster. I could not check since i had this one part from before change.. but asked someone at #cyrene to come and confirm if it is it - and.... YES IT IS!! :)

Enjoy ;).



Just found this Downed Spear here: [136830, 77184, 120]

Pos differs a lot from other parts so my guess it was this misterious missing Thruster. I could not check since i had this one part from before change.. but asked someone at #cyrene to come and confirm if it is it - and.... YES IT IS!! :)

Enjoy ;).

:cheer: :clap: KUDOS!!! :dancinggirls::headbang:


Travelling through time...
Just found this Downed Spear here: [136830, 77184, 120]

Pos differs a lot from other parts so my guess it was this misterious missing Thruster. I could not check since i had this one part from before change.. but asked someone at #cyrene to come and confirm if it is it - and.... YES IT IS!! :)

Enjoy ;).


First post updated. Thanks!

Amber Knightley

New Member
Thanks a lot for the help :)
Sent you a mail with some adjustments! Otherwise it worked fine!

A note to the devs, I think the waypoint pointing back to the NPC after completion is of for a few of these.


New Member
Hey mate,

Can u send mail with location in game plz ?
Me name in game is : Pass MoiL SeL

Thx by advance.

Good HoF.
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