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Crafting New Cyrene BPs

John Galt

Hi all
I have many questions about the unlisted BPs and was hopping someone with more exprience in the game could help.

a) The fact that those 4 BPs are not listed means no one Discovered them (poped a BP from running other BPs) or that the C-Team did not add them to begin with and that is just a placeholder? Someone who was playing when other Books were launched could be able to clarify.
b) Has anyone discovered any of those 4, and is this a personal unlock?
c) is it known the type of the other BPs? Are they also Tailoring or maybe an armor, a gun, a tool and an attachment?

To avoid speculation, lets try to keep it to what is known and confirmed.

Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
the impression i got from kris' post is they aren't in yet
"The new crafting components are just a start for the new crafted items that will be coming to Planet Cyrene, however several other blueprints are not yet implemented and are waiting for the balancing team."

plus this is my speculation i know, but if the balancing team is involved they might be guns or armor, something that requires looking at in more detail, no bps have been discovered yet
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Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
So the best policy is to NOT click these component BPs (unless you want a really expensive L shirt) and hoard the materials to click them later once implemented?
probably yeah, but kris' post doesn't completely rule out something else been in there, it says several didn't get past the balancing team. prehaps some trousers to match the shirt. but component bps will only drop component bps, so if there is a new trouser bp, it would require a tailor drop
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John Galt

kris' post doesn't completely rule out something else been in there, it says several didn't get past the balancing team. prehaps some trousers to match the shirt
Trousers and other tailor goods give no combat stats needing balancing. Either Kris meant economic balancing, or it is def not a tailoring item.


Active Member
Trousers and other tailor goods give no combat stats needing balancing. Either Kris meant economic balancing, or it is def not a tailoring item.
I can imagine a small Cyrene logo on front of pants quickly getting the nix from mindark lol.
But small cyrene logo's chained down the side of a leg, or both legs, might look okay.
Hopefully they planned several types of (non-armor) clothing gloves (C) to craft for a mostly ignored + untapped market.

John Galt

Is anyone heavily clicking the Cyrene Cubes at this point at all?
Or everyone is hoarding mats on a Wait&See stance like me?
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