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New Player Thoughts #2


New Member

So i used to work for a sales company years ago. The one thing we did was offer New Customers a ton of Glitter and Gold. Then weened them off it after their first year, but in this case you could do it after the first 30 days.

1. Hold their hand, make it easier, for the first 5 levels only. Offer more mission glitter. at the start.

EXAMPLE a crap set of starter armor can you can call SNAP or something, cause it rhythms with crap. make it unlimited, good till about lvl 10, with repair cost of 2 ped per piece. but give it just enough decay that it seems to last decently. and defends decently.

start the new player with a bank roll of 30 PED. which they will sink into repairs for that armor...even if they play smart, and till lvl 10 they will probably repair the full set 5 or 10 times. thats 50 ped, so Mind ark is now postive 20 ped per new player.

But wait there is more, now give them better than the Z11 barb gun, someting that pews very nice till lvl 10. again give it s cheap repair, with long lasting time, and the attachments to like the starter pack 75 dollar gun pack. but when they put the nice pew pew attachments on the gun really does well. or knife or whatever weapon they pick. Its unlimited and so are the attachments. but now you make more. by Nickle and diming them slowly, but the SHINY BLINDS THEM..

also offer them cute starter outfits they can get outside the jump suit, though missions. introduce them to coloring, and manufacturing in missions. a way to get them sucked into that, and they start dumping money into that. but offer them a cool neat starting set, and coloring it, and making it. and getting free BPs for it.

Now you got them hooked on crafting a expensive field, got them hooked into mining, got them hooked on weapons and hunting.

then slowly ween them off the EASY road. and by the time they get to lvl 10, even if they play really smart, knowng the system, they will be up a max of 20%, and if they play loose and wild. They will have already dumped 20-100 dollars into the game by lvl 10.

mind ark makes money, you get new players addicted, the encomomy grows, and mind ark makes more money. as well as older players.


Active Member
" start the new player with a bank roll of 30 PED"

chinese click farm thanks you.


New Member
" start the new player with a bank roll of 30 PED"

chinese click farm thanks you.
LOL well if they really ban multi accounts, gonna need a ton of folks to pull it off. but also lock the 30 ped from being cashoutable. or give them 1000 ped of uni ammo. they will go right through it...and have no more ammo before they know it. but it will get them to around ten, and make things seem easy, with all that pew pew.