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Why put a Crystal ped Young and mature in a noob if area is to maximize the profit...
How do you want that a noobs kill the creature of 100 or 200 hp which regenerate quickly...
It's sad because this planet is beautiful, but impossible to play with pleasure by the iron of noobs...
Watch arkadia 5 puny different, fun to play... and the noobs players remains on the planet and become players who depence on this same planet...


Well-Known Member
Ehehe don't try to hunt L2 Dummy Pilot, L70 mob spawn like that :s

I agree with you, Cyrene need his own newcommers mission. Maybe on Junkbot for start, then pleak and Arret.
This "boss" spawn was already told by other players. Maybe they will change that, maybe not :)

Let see what Kris will say about that.

Lilmc | Cyrene

Former Official of the greatest community.
Staff member
Hello Trav and Justine!

I'm glad you brought this up! As I understand Cyrene Puny aren't really puny and just mobs that never learned to move on. We've taken a closer look into a way to create new player and noob player engagement on Cyrene. We currently have no ETA, I can say it will be soon. We will have some actual Puny missions with a kill count progressive mission, when I receive more details I will be happy to post about it in a future patch notes.

Stay Tuned



Active Member
Yep. Would be nice if there was stuff like the plethora of newbie missions on Calypso. On the other hand Cyrene's come a long way vs Toulan... and is much easier to survive on than Rocktropia in some ways.