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New Member
I downloaded the game yesterday, that took almost 24 hours, hehe, but this morning while signing up it make me pick my name and email and planet, then it said it sent me a email verification, i still have not received it, and i dont see a resend option, any help?



New Member
ok seems i just got it, now its making me download another 100 megs, does this downloading ever stop? first it was 20 megs, then 100 megs, then 2.8 gigs, now another 100 megs :(


New Member
Hmm, ok it done downloading, what is this?? it says i have to pay to play?
Voice Communication Services ????
i thought this game was free


Welcome Ascendo

This game is indeed free to play.

In regards to the voice communication services, it is not necessary. I do not have it, and have no need for it. Nor do others with whom I communicate. It has its uses for some but I cannot think of how a new player could use it.

There are some missions which reward you some basic gear (weapons, ammo, tools, etc...). Once you this gear has been consumed, you will need to find alternative ways to supply yourself.

e.g. you can use the sweat tool to collect sweat off of some mobs. The sweat can be sold or traded, allowing you to purchase gear to hunt or mine (or other activities). there are other methods available, but all can be considered slow.

There is an advantage to starting off sweating, as you gain defense skills (and knowledge from others while you sweat).

Eventually, you might want to consider making a small deposit.

Good luck and have fun


Well-Known Member
Collecting cyrene tokens and tokens from the proving grounds is a good way for a new player to move on up too.

Good luck in the game, it's gonna be difficulte the coming 3 months, but if you survive that you'll have a great future :).


Active Member
On the downloading, overall the whole game is like 11 gig, you can tell it to download in the background when you are not busy via the launcher. Id do that, when you are not playing, leave the game launcher up and running and let it get the files while you sleep etc. That way if you visit other planets etc you already have them downloaded and wont have to wait for that to happen.

Sweating is a way to earn cash as well. Granted the market is not too super on cyrene I bet there are some folks here who would buy a few K sweat off you to help you get started.

As was said, once you get the hang of it, making a deposit speeds up your progress greatly in the game. Look around, play around, get a feel for it and go for it if you like it.

Also I would recommend getting a mentor but be careful. Make sure you ' click' with your mentor, and a word of caution. Anyone telling how good they would be as your mentor, or telling you why you should pick them etc etc...as your mentor, you probably want to stay away from. There are a few who just want the 'mentor' thing for the reward they get if you graduate and they really are not that good at teaching new folks properly.

A mentor who plays the same time you do generally, helps a ton.
A mentor who speaks the same language you do is a great help.
A mentor who shares the same goals in the game, is very beneficial. if If I am a hunter and don't know much about mining, and you want to be a miner for a living, I probably would not be the best person to be mentoring you.

There is no rush to get a mentor, talk to the person for a bit, see how well you two get along first, go on a few hunts etc, see how you operate with each other. Unless you sink a ton of cash into the game, the 'official' mentor / disciple relationship will last several months. If you two are at each other thoats, ie your mentor is a douche, it's not going to work well for you.

Finally, when you do get a mentor, your mentor is not an ATM card, or a slave, they are there to help you, not support you, so don't expect handouts.

Other than that, any questions you may have, ask in game in the chat channel #cyrene and generally there is almost always someone on who can help you.

Welcome to the world

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New Member
Thanks for the info guys, i did make a purchase i bought the gold package, and after killing things allday i am now doing 6 to 9 damage on bots, but still lv4+ things kill me fast

Then i traveled the whole planet avoiding big monsters like lvl 60+ bumping into a few people every few hours, even rolling down the side of a mountain in my dune buggy, while i searched for mining, i think i got about 600 ore now, and 2 crystals hehe, i dont like buying finders every 30 minutes though they seem to wear out fast

Also i did find a mentor, he asked me to do it, then sent me a link on entropiapartners? that put up a red flag, and hes not even on the same planet... Then i started talking and found many more friendly and helpful people so im still looking

i dont mind the slowness you say will be for the next 3 months, i work overseas most of the year, so its slow in real life also, lol, and i have plenty of time to mine and practice my shooting

A few things i would like to know though, is with my armor and weapons, i cant find anything is better, be it on TT or Auction, i dont know the weapons or armor enough to know what is better then the gold package items... I was looking to see if i could get stronger and survive the lvl7 things killing me like that silly lv7 bot mixed in with the lv1s

again thanks for all the info


When you graduate you will get the discipleship armor that will last you a loooooooong time, especially when you add plates on it in the future. Cyrene should get its own version of Disciple armor soon, if not you'll get the default one.
A very rough marker when starting is to consider your higher combat level against the creature you plan on hunting. Keep in mind that the more mobs you kill the bigger your chances for a nice loot are, so it's usually preferable to focus on waves of mobs instead of overreaching to kill something bigger.

P.S. If you haven't done so already, I'd join Sluggo and suggest you join #cyrene. Chances are any questions you might have will be answered live :)


New Member
Hmm thanks, a few questions
1. Graduate from what?
2, join sluggo? is that his channel? and yes i did join #cyrene so much better then the rookie channel


Badly worded on my part. I meant I agree with Sluggo ;)

Get a Mentor and graduate as a disciple. You get a free vehicle and armor that way, plus (in theory) a ton of knowledge.


Active Member
Once you graduate you get a set of armor to use. Helps a LOT, but by that time, if you have been sweating a bit, you will be able to stand the 4's and 5's without it fairly easily. One thing to keep in mind, the level really does not mean a heck of a lot in EU. There are some Lv 5's that are pretty easy kills, and then there are some L3's that will wipe the walls with you. The whole 'level' thing is kind of relative.

The armor will last you a while really its decent armor for what it is, and will protect you significantly against bigger stuff. Do remember though that armor does decay just like a weapon and needs to be repaired. That cost peds. Also remember that any clothing you are wearing, may decay when you wear / remove it and eventually 'wear out' as well so swapping in and out of armor all the time can get a bit costly. Also, if you are sweating, don't wear your armor. Why beat it up and drain PED for no reason? The panelions hit light enough that you should easily be able to sweat them w/o armor on.

One other final note on armor. When 'events' happen, ie Uber mobs are attacking, like at arkadia recently. Some of that stuff can hit for over 1K damage, there is NO WAY you can defend against that, you are one hit dead. Remove the armor, it's useless in that instance so why destroy it and pay ped to fix it again?
