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New vehicular devices?


New Member
Okay anyone who gets the new bps and build the vehicles a good screen shot could go a long way for the rest of us :D

MindStar 9

Hoping for the Best
Just for those who missed the photos in other posts in the past, here is a graphic sketch of the P.I.G. - and an actual pic of the Dragonfly helicoptor:


This will have to do for now - and sorry that the Dragonfly photo is at night, but that's what Ed gave me to use when I wrote "Covert Operations - Unfinished Business - Part 3" ... however, you can see one of these in person if you go to the pier at Camp Epsilon. :D

It will be nice to see photos when people actually have them and flying them around. :thumbup:


Active Member
Awsome vehicle and helicopter !!! Cant wait to get one (If I will can :p) ! Nice work Cyrene team :clap: