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Avatar Beauty Nightmare's Custom Looks

Do you want your appearance taken to the next level?

Price is negotiable (TT level of masks is also negotiable and included in the price)
100 PED for a quick make up mask
200 PED for a good make up mask
and 300 PED for a high-detail make up mask

The level of detail is determined as the mask is being developed (with your approval). Expect highly detailed masks to take multiple sessions and many hours to complete. After all, attention to detail is key, Everybody can look good far away ;)

"good" make up masks

"high-detail" make up masks

Ask about group discounts!!!

Want unique masks to represent your crew? soc? significant other? Discounts can be applied for multiple masks.

Refer a friend and recieve 10% of player's purchase after mask is complete

If someone mentions that you recommended my service, you will recieve 10% of their purchase price in PED once the client has paid for the mask.


Active Member
Masks looks cool.
How is this working. You can make the mask without the client or he/she must be online there and u to work over his/her face? Then can I have 2 masks and switch them, and is there decay when switching masks.
It IS possible to work on a mask without the client being online, HOWEVER, it will look different when applied to the client's face. I prefer to work on the client (which would be required to be online and in my presence). I can use a client's face to make a quick outline of what they want (like an outline), do a sort of rough draft on my face, then work out the details on the client's face. That being said, it is possible to craft while a mask is being done, so if you are worried about losing hunting time, we can schedule a time when you are crafting all your hunting loot and work on it then. Good lighting is recommended so I would like to find a spot close to a crafting terminal in a well lit environment (preferably inside for consistency).

You may have as many masks as you want, they are considered L clothing. Masks decay when equipped as any other clothing does and you may switch them out but not overlap them.

The masks decay .1 PED each time they are EQUIPPED, and they have a minimum condition of 10% so 3 PED for small masks

As it is now, you cannot equip a mask while one is already equipped, so you have to unequip the one you are wearing then equip the new one.

Pretto Loco

New Member
Im old.
I wanna look old.
I want scars and wrinkles.
Can you do it?

My Inspiration:


Best I can do for now :)


Also, you do hair?
I wanna look unshaved.

Nothing fancy, just gritty old bull looking.
Ok guys, finally got my new graphics card in and im ready to go! Feel free to post or PM anything you might want/need. Looking forward to working with you guys again! :D

- Nightmare