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Bug Report No Crafting Possible


Lifetime Platinum Elite Member
Opening the "Blueprints: Cyrene" book there is an error message:

"Failed to load some items Error Code: 1"

When I access the crafting terminal, no blueprints at all are loaded, so it is impossible to craft at the moment.

I had a Zorn Compound A blueprint in my book before the VU, which seems to have vanished from the blueprint terminal.
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Lifetime Platinum Elite Member
Quick and dirty workaround: Go to the hub, put your Cyrene blueprint book into storage, so at least the rest of the blueprints work again planet-side.


Solved: Removed all visible blueprints from the book, sold book to TT, bought a new book and reinserted the blueprints.
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Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey Curd!

Quick and dirty workaround: Go to the hub, put your Cyrene blueprint book into storage, so at least the rest of the blueprints work again planet-side.


Solved: Removed all visible blueprints from the book, sold book to TT, bought a new book and reinserted the blueprints.

This is really helpful for players right now, thank you very much!

Yes, MindArk let us know that there was an issue with that blueprint can was not letting players craft, we hope to have this resolved in the Mini Patch.

I'm going to post this in the Discord so players can see the work around for now.



Drake Slade Corbett
I noticed the Zorn BP was bugged a while back while doing the Mang Chang chain. I bought it and it was represented as a Red X. And I could not remove it from the book after I put it inside. I could not craft at all yesterday until Support removed it from my inventory. What was this BP supposed to do/be? Why didn't it get developed? Why is it so bugged?

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey NevadaJake,

I noticed the Zorn BP was bugged a while back while doing the Mang Chang chain. I bought it and it was represented as a Red X. And I could not remove it from the book after I put it inside. I could not craft at all yesterday until Support removed it from my inventory.

Yeah something seemed to have gotten borked up with this BP, but it's hard to put our finger on exactly what the issue was, it worked fine in test back in June but there was some update issues that I recall might have been the problem, but the short version is that we needed to remake it.

What was this BP supposed to do/be? Why didn't it get developed? Why is it so bugged?

This BP (and a few others) we're planned to be the start of a new era of Cyrene blueprints. This is/was intended for any player to be able to craft but used by a bunch of different players. It did get developed, but something got borked with it. It's hard to find the cause of the issue, but remaking it seemed to fix it.



Drake Slade Corbett
Thank you for the update. I was very confused when I bought the Blueprint and it had a red X representing it. Then when I put it in the book the book became bugged as well. I am glad it is being addressed