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No Halloween gifts?


New Member
i hear if you post on all planet forums, they instantly drop for you in game...
but you have to post on each planet page within 90 seconds or you are locked out from receiving gifts for the next 3 years.

copy and paste this, or stand no chance of getting a gift in the next decade.


Well-Known Member
i hear if you post on all planet forums, they instantly drop for you in game...
but you have to post on each planet page within 90 seconds or you are locked out from receiving gifts for the next 3 years.

copy and paste this, or stand no chance of getting a gift in the next decade.


Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

They were setup on our end and worked on the test server.

Will follow up with MA this week to see what caused the issue.

I'm not sure if they'll get out but hopefully this will let us avoid whatever happened for the Halloween gifts and ensure the X-mas ones get out correctly.



Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

They were setup on our end and worked on the test server.

Will follow up with MA this week to see what caused the issue.

I'm not sure if they'll get out but hopefully this will let us avoid whatever happened for the Halloween gifts and ensure the X-mas ones get out correctly.

Why don't you let us in test server.
That will be the best gift. :D