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Noob checking in!

Ricky Rikken

New Member
Just wanted to shout out to all my fellow Cyerenians! I am returning to EU after doing things horrible wrong the first time. I chipped out and took a break for a couple of years and then heard a dub-step song recently that sounded familiar and I ended up returning. This time I did the research and also listened to all the feedback and tips, which I ignored the first time around. So with this said, I am here to skill up and be a part of the community. I am also excited and hopeful the DEVS will continue to build and matriculate the planet.


Active Member
Welcome back. Sounds like you are anxious to hit the ground running.... DON'T.
Relax, take it easy and you should have an enjoyable time here, trying to push stuff, rush stuff will only aggravate you and piss you off to the point of quitting again.

Get involved, have fun, but LEARN, go slow until you understand how something works. Don't risk throwing peds in the toilet because you are in a hurry. I am not always planetside but you can always PM me in game if you need advice on anything.


Ricky Rikken

New Member
Welcome back!
What is the name of the dub step track? :wolf:

Thanks Krasko! I am not sure the name, I am a Father of two adult boys and two teenage boys and I often hear the music they are into and I enjoy Dub-Step. I was listening to YouTube video from "fresh music" I think, and the song was in a female Dub-Step compilation that ran for to or three hours (found it! "Fractal-Elements"). I listen to this while I grind Crystal pede, working on the 9000 final stage, got about 6k to go roughly.