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NPC armor question

Gisela Dawes

Active Member
Kris; there are 2 npcs in A.R.C. staging wearing parts of an armor that i ve never seen before. Is that a model you are planning to introduce or is it just a npc armor? Coz it looks really cool


Travelling through time...
You mean these two? They look kinda funny o_O


Paul Jetman Masters

Well-Known Member
looks like they're wearing a mixture of force and guardian (except left's helmet) but according to the bp book, there is a ozpyn mang armour, ive never seen this and im not sure its even been found

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

I can't really comment on these armor models too much.

I can say that a couple of them are using new models/textures for armor that is not yet released however not in this current iteration.



Active Member
:) tho, I think those nice armors looks much better if the helmet glass is black or dark gray/dark brown, the orange blue and any other choice like that make them look like toys. I imagine the ARC Elite and helmet whit black glass instead of blue, different style ....

ofc my humble opinion