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Official AMAA for Planet Cyrene

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Active Member
"The players will have 5 initial factions to start with. At first there will be missions to help any of them out but as the player progresses the choices get more defined and the player will have to choose a stricter path depending on their belief of how their character lives on Cyrene." -Ed Robles in Entropia Times

When will the story about each faction and how it interacts be more in game.... Will there be specific faction items?


Active Member
Will new mazes be added? Will new instances be added? Can you give us any concept of what these will be like?

a few ideas for more things to use maze weaver certificates on:
upgraded wolpertinger (maybe turn in two wolpertingers to get an upgraded version, turn in 2 upgraded ones to get an even better one, etc.)

upgraded maze hammers - better stats, or buffs, etc.

maze weaver line of clothing and armor

new weird blueprints that use mazeweaver certificates and pleak wing combinations


Active Member
Are there any potential plans to 'sell off' a portion of Cyrene to the playerbase similar to what has happened recently with Arkadia Underground, Ancient Greece, Crystal Palace shares, etc. A majorly revised hub sold off to the players could be interesting if you massively increase the number of mobs in some areas down there, etc.... or another server could be sold off after it's added similar to what the original cyrene was prior to the downgrade, etc.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

At @Alexandar | Cyrene 's request, I've closed this thread.

We'll work on sorting these questions and providing answers to them and those will come a bit later down the line.

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