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one thing that the hub needs, as fast as possible

It needs additional Arenas, where biased fighting is not possible.

It becomes more and more obvious each day, that alot players get discouraged from entering a pk dome, when they see that certain players are teaming together and not shooting each other.

Im including myself too: I dont shoot at friends (ofc i do not, you cannot expect me to shoot at friends). But that can bad for the game in the long run.

Im NOT suggesting to replace the current arenas with new arenas. Im suggesting to ADD arenas, to the already existing ones.

Three solutions to have arenas where unfair teaming is not possible:


Add 1vs1 arenas


(not my idea, its rechinuls idea): Add 2vs2 or 3vs3 team arenas, where friendly fire is disabled. But you must keep the maximum players per team small, so that even in not so busy times of the day, teams can be balanced in numbers.


make hardcore rooms where its impossible to drag health bars, and where names dont show up when you hover over an oppponent.


Well-Known Member
Maybe it is an idea to not show the names of the other players so it is harder for people to team up?


Well-Known Member
I thought that everyone looks a bit the same, and with a lot of running around it is hard too see who is the opponent and who is the teammate. ofc if you stay stationary at one location with 2/3 people you can still team, but it might be a bit harder.


New Member
I thought that everyone looks a bit the same, and with a lot of running around it is hard too see who is the opponent and who is the teammate. ofc if you stay stationary at one location with 2/3 people you can still team, but it might be a bit harder.
Haven't you wondered why certain groups of people have all removed the same armor parts? ;)


The Notorious Daisy ColdFinger
Ok...since not all were present

Ed said there will be a number of additional maps added to the Hub...these include different stakes room, some higher than the current highest at 10ped. And team rooms 1 v1, x v x and so forth. There will be special mobs added to special portals in the hub for hunting with the unique weapons (not sure these will be lootable loots like tokens...maybe) maybe some Mech maps also...not much info on where we can use em yet..maybe just hub...maybe not.

There will also be a regular lootable outside of the hub at some point with with good reason for both pkers and non pkers to be there (not sure we wont have the same vehicle recall exploits as on othe planets)

Early days still......


New Member
The dragging health bars will be a hard one to fix i think, but if it can be done it needs to be done, otherwise it's pointless hiding behind things


New Member
Hiding names doesn't make a difference. Solution would be to have game masters with quick follow up to throw players out of the hub, opening other pvp areas so the teams have something else to do, or making 1 vs 1 rooms where you get matched up against random players.

Ed Robles 3

Active Member
We are currently working to remove the Right click function in the arenas. Not sure if it made it to this Tuesdays patch or not but it is in the works.

Also 1v1 arenas are coming along with many other types of PVP arenas.


Active Member
We are currently working to remove the Right click function in the arenas. Not sure if it made it to this Tuesdays patch or not but it is in the works.

Also 1v1 arenas are coming along with many other types of PVP arenas.
That's really great! But make sure to remove so you cannot drag HP bars from people while they are inside the arena. Because otherwise people can still use the function "Move to target when interacting". And then press on the HP bar. After that he can just press Auto use tool, or press on the hp bar himself. And he will auto aim on that target.
Not to mention that people won't have any use for hiding. Since if you drag out a HP bar from someone you can know exactly where they are. Like a Wall hack. :)


New Member
We are currently working to remove the Right click function in the arenas. Not sure if it made it to this Tuesdays patch or not but it is in the works.

Also 1v1 arenas are coming along with many other types of PVP arenas.

So that can actually be removed from one area while still functioning in the rest of the game?


We are currently working to remove the Right click function in the arenas. Not sure if it made it to this Tuesdays patch or not but it is in the works.

Also 1v1 arenas are coming along with many other types of PVP arenas.

Sounds good. But, like any other multiplayer fps game you're gonna get a lot of bot cheating etc and people accusing each other of cheating regardless of if they are or not. You'll have to monitor that extremely closely and respond to it since people won't play if they even think others are cheating (even if they're not).
Sounds good. But, like any other multiplayer fps game you're gonna get a lot of bot cheating etc and people accusing each other of cheating regardless of if they are or not. You'll have to monitor that extremely closely and respond to it since people won't play if they even think others are cheating (even if they're not).

but such programs can be tracked. with autoclicker its much more difficult. I dont think cheating will be a problem