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Bug Report Paneleon Hunting Cave


I went in Paneleon cave to grind them but it was one of the worst hunting experiances I have had.

Apart from the fact that the hilly terrain is a pain for long range, the hitboxes are horrific.

I have 140m rifle and I end up running up to them and not shooting till i'm about 20m away most the time, and sometimes i'm stood right next to them and unable to hit with auto shoot.

I can hit them fine if I manualy aim and shoot but when I use interact to auto target and shoot it's terrible.


Sandal San Tolk
Since they are specifically made non-aggressive inside the cave, this is the perfect setting for training melee. Even fun items like flamethrowers work exceptionally well here.

I could complain about the same issue in the Feffoid cave on Calypso, where I like using a long-range rifle to make them do the running instead of me. But I won't. If you remove every feature which might present an obstacle to someone's specific setup or preference, you could as well play a slot machine.

If the main argument is killing them from a distance because your choice of maturity hits too hard or you don't want armor decay, then why go inside the caves at all? There are so many Paneleon spawns.

I like the design of the caves. The entry is a bit counterintuitive at first, where you have to climb out of the lake. But you quickly find your ideal path and get used to it.

This is not a bug, but a feature.


How is game mechanics being broken a feature? If your rifle is 100m range then it should be able to shoot 100m. I've never noticed this in feff cave or anywhere else.


Sandal San Tolk
Not sure if I misunderstood but I thought you meant the hills getting in the way of a straight shooting line. Are you saying it isn't working when you have clear sight? I'll test it next time with my rifle (92 m range).

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

We'll be making some adjustments to all the Hunter's Cavern Instances for the Mini Patch to try and eliminate these issues in the short term, with continued adjustments for the long term in a future VU.

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Sandal San Tolk
I tried with a 60 m gun in the rookie instance just now. You're right, it isn't quite right. They often are partly sunk in the ground and maybe their hitbox center is also low, which could cause these issues. As said, didn't notice it using melee.

Edit: With the option "only interact with locked enemies" switched off it is better, but still not smooth.
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Besides the very low spawn density (way too low) and the problems with ground level clipping, I logged off while inside the cave and now I'm unable to log back in.

Needs some work for sure.


I tried the weak cave, it's much better than the old cave for targeting but there's so few mobs in there I can't see the point of it.
I tried the weak cave, it's much better than the old cave for targeting but there's so few mobs in there I can't see the point of it.

Agreed, the weak cave is terrible. You spend most of the time walking around, instead of shooting because there's barely any spawned.


New Member
i recommend moving boxes away from weak paneleons. it causes bigger hunters to take bigger guns and really crap on smaller hunters ability to play the game with any kind of enjoyment.

the common response from the big hunter "go to cave" knowing damn well that the cave isn't efficient. they just indiscriminately press 'f' and pooping on anyone who wishes to share a spawn with them.

it has happened the last two years at multiple different spawns. i dont feel like requiring an 80 minimum damage weapon should be a requirement to hunt weak paneleons.


Trust me, those hunters want to kill big mobs but the loot on weak is way too much in relation to what u get from bigger maturities - and you can't expect guys who normally do 200 dam/sec to use a 10dam/sec gun.

Also, why do the big guys always get complained about? The smaller hunters are in the way of the big guys just as much as the big guys are in the way of the small.

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

There are some changes coming to Hunter's Caverns for the Mini Patch, it's not a full overhaul, but some of the issues being addressed here are changing, let me put some of the preliminary notes for next weeks patch:

Hunter’s Cavern

- All Hunter’s Cavern instances have been adjusted to remove the rocky / uneven floor space as well as removed all trees.
- Changed the exit to be a fortified room that’s more clear to enter into and should be less likely to be entered accidently.
- A slight delay tweak for respawn times.
- Weak Paneleons in Hunters cavern have had their number double.



Sandal San Tolk
Okay, I understand the fix is temporary and time very short. But consider that if all obstacles are removed incl. the hole-in-the-middle exit, you'll have the place full of botters again farming the expensive bits, leaving honest players in the dust. I had thought the original design was mindful of that since the planet has been plagued by them so often, and hope it can be salvaged. I still think the problem is more with the mob itself, that its target point is too low.

I also want to suggest to some players thinking a bit more differentiatingly about perceived criticism. It is not "always criticizing big players". I totally get the addiction of simple grinding, I can enjoy it quite as well. But making it a goal and call this being a "big player" is not healthy, really. Pause for a moment and ponder if this is how you want to spend your life. Oh, I suggested continuation missions to the epic chains before... now I wonder it's probably better that things are different with Codex on the horizon. Very much looking forward to seeing how they'll mangle it all.


Active Member
Okay, I understand the fix is temporary and time very short. But consider that if all obstacles are removed incl. the hole-in-the-middle exit, you'll have the place full of botters again farming the expensive bits, leaving honest players in the dust. I had thought the original design was mindful of that since the planet has been plagued by them so often, and hope it can be salvaged. I still think the problem is more with the mob itself, that its target point is too low.

I also want to suggest to some players thinking a bit more differentiatingly about perceived criticism. It is not "always criticizing big players". I totally get the addiction of simple grinding, I can enjoy it quite as well. But making it a goal and call this being a "big player" is not healthy, really. Pause for a moment and ponder if this is how you want to spend your life. Oh, I suggested continuation missions to the epic chains before... now I wonder it's probably better that things are different with Codex on the horizon. Very much looking forward to seeing how they'll mangle it all.

There's only one hunter in one cave.. I dont see the problem tbh. How is it leaving honest players in the dust? They can also enter the cave and be all alone with those fine box and tail tip dropping wonders.


Sandal San Tolk
There's only one hunter in one cave.. I dont see the problem tbh. How is it leaving honest players in the dust? They can also enter the cave and be all alone with those fine box and tail tip dropping wonders.
Marketwise. There will be no more point hunting these things for markup yourself when you get to compete with bots working on it 24/7. If you want the armor, you go buy from them and nobody else. If it gets too much, the balancing manager might even have to intervene and nerf drop rates. Which will in turn produce only more incentive for botters. That's why I thought the idea of these instances was to free the hunter from the bot nuisance in the field, but not to turn it into a golden opportunity for the latter instead.

The second half of my post above didn't come out quite as I would have liked. Don't know yet how to word it better, though. Maybe after some caffeine infusions.