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Bug Report Paneleon pet


New Member

Thanks to an awesome person that managed to sneak us a couple of nutrio bars for the auction house, I was able to spend some quality time with Rusty (my pet Paneleon, not the avatar). During this time I noticed that Rusty is running backwards when he follows me. I plan to be showing him off on other planets once he (she?) hits level 7 and I think a bug like that would hurt poor Rusty's feelings a lot when people laugh at him.

Could this please be looked at?

Thank you

Kris | Cyrene

Lo and Behold, the Fixer of Bugs
Staff member
Hey guys,

This is quite an interesting bug, I will ask the team to look into this issue.



Active Member
Just a friendly reminder that paneleon still run backwards when avatar runs/walks/walks-backwards.
Here's the turning animation from stand still to full run.

Also is the horn flame supposed to be so low???
Did anyone else get that or is it a graphic setting problem?


Hey guys,

This is quite an interesting bug, I will ask the team to look into this issue.


I already sold a couple of Paneleon pets on my Caly shop, no complains yet, so I guess the ppl find this pet movement ability as something special :)


Active Member
Hey I'm necroing this old bug report from 2017 since Paneleon pets still run backwards behind avatar.
I know its minor unimportant issue but hopefully it'll be fixed someday?
Thank you.


Cyrene Crusader
It's a bit cool to have such an extraordinary pet, isn't it? The only pet in EU that can run backwards! Why not leave it as it is :D