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Planet Cyrene Market Day

Oldman Mayhem

New Member
Would it be at all possible to set up a Market day and advertise it to the other planets so that traders flying in and Cyrene community members aren't wasting time spamming to empty trade channels? Something like Sundays at 12 at Cyrene port? It is a developing planet and newbies like myself could use that set up to better sell the sweat/low level stuff we're acquiring. Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
would not be a bad idea if it were advertised on other planets. it would have to be set on a day that a ms was arriving or leaving to provide safe transport for buyers and sellers.

neat idea intrested in seeing what others have to say about this.


Well-Known Member
The next island devs set up a Market Day for a few months , it was quite busy the first few times, but the problem was that getting the traders that buy everything. Unless you can get a market trader with over 50kped, these days is harder and harder , back then (was in 2010) there were alot of traders, now since the market is volitile and fluxuates on a daily basis providing you wont really get many traders buying much in the way of hunting loot unless its extremely close to TT..sorry just my two pecs on that idea from past experience.
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Active Member
Very good idea, yes. I have previously suggested that small areas be laid out like market stalls with their own chat borders (like service buildings are isolated from outside chat), so that it would be easier to split up trading types (and maybe reduce lag when lots of ppl are there, depending on how avatars load etc).
In the good old days on the original planet there would be people buying up any amounts to sell to the big players when they needed more stocks, but I agree it would be good to try and get some common times set up.

Maybe to start things off, always aim to have a look in at Cyrene Port (or more preferred location) directly on the hour for 5 mins. It can be expected that anyone there at that time would like to trade and/or chat. If the area stays busy for more than 5 mins, then that's great too, but it would be an easy starting point :)

oh, it should be area with storage on hand.


New Member
I like the idea of trade event where we could see more than just few other players at same time. What i dont see is what basic goods Cyrene could export? Im not selling my sweat under 3ped/k here and dont think lyst, oil, muscle oil or any basic loot would atract outside traders to buy MS warp in and out.

So how about starting whit planet size market first and hope that some day traders would fly to take part in that. I would belive some loot already has demand as i have seen vehicle blueprints sell at calypso auction.
What would be best time worldwide so most of us could play that time? Location should indeed have all terminals and space for vehicles..
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Well-Known Member
The L faps, L gauss guns and vehicle BPs (Dragonfly and PIGV) are very attractive commodity on Calypso, if you read the VU update - looting mining amps hunting will be VERY attractive for export.

Seems Cyrene will become the first planet to loot mining amplifiers in hunting loots.
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New Member
I dont find non lootable item selling hard at all. At this poin i need to visit caly ah anyway for new weapons. What i would like is a place to sell stackable (lootable) loots for even some MU.

But seems like i will continue feeting the TT..


Fate Thanatos Themis
i wish those booths go live finally, and ofc i own one :p

btw if theres more booths and tp with storage closer, it would be good place for such market days. would be cool also if some of those booths could be rent via some sort of in game system


Well-Known Member
thats a really good idea thanatos. the second had staging area tp? is a nice open space. and the lag there is not nearly as bad as it once was.

Oldman Mayhem

New Member
would not be a bad idea if it were advertised on other planets. it would have to be set on a day that a ms was arriving or leaving to provide safe transport for buyers and sellers.

neat idea intrested in seeing what others have to say about this.
Taking a quick look at other forum posts I didn't really see transport schedules. Does anyone know when any ms's fly into Cyrene? I picked Cyrene Port because from what I understand this is where ships land on Cyrene so it would be the most convenient. Am I mistaken on these things and is there a better location to consider?
I'm all about facilitating this in order to serve the Cyrene community and I imagine that if the community sees this as a useful tool to help out the economy that it wouldn't take too much time before off planet buyers/sellers take advantage of it too. In turn I think the devs may see more of a benefit to putting the effort into the booth idea (of course I am new so this part is really just a guess).

Oldman Mayhem

New Member
So...these both stop on Cyrene on Friday between 2030 and 2100 server time (which turns out to be the middle of the day for me...on a weekday). Neither of them stop by on the weekends at all. Is there a way at all to figure out when the peak population times are?


Active Member
Peak population is presumably related to peak globalling times overall, but Cyrene has so few people on it that just 1 person on a globalling mob will probably make their own little peak...
This is why I just suggest making a few calls out to "visit the market on the hour for 5 mins" if you want to try and make new contacts. Throw it up in chat at various tps with green dots on radar as low-level marketing, plus on forums etc.
This small step will improve the chances of meeting people immensely (factor of 12 over randomly chosen 5 minute periods :) )

On locations:
the area just south of the Centre of Janus has a big open space plus a building with all terminals. The tp is still reasonably close. But maybe it is good to spread avatars out a little bit while still on radar for anti-lag.

Cyrene Port is directly below where quads come in from space, yes. I imagine many people simply jump out and die during planet loading to save time having to 'land', then go and pick up their quad from where it falls. I have no idea how lag would additionally affect that.... It wouldn't seem a natural place to meet other than that in my opinion.

Craggs Point West now it has been upgraded has a nice area, but no auction or crafting machine...

A.R.C HQ just seems too cramped for me - but the landing pads are at least big enough for quads now...

As things are now, I'd select the square just over the bridge south of Centre of Janus.

Also: if Cyrene people meet somewhere, then traders from elsewhere will go there too. With Centre of Janus they may even fly their quads down and land there directly too - it's very close.

Oldman Mayhem

New Member
The two suggestions for location that I'm seeing are the square south of the Center of Janus and the Second Hand Staging area. I think I am leaning more toward the Second Hand Staging area simply because it has a tp right there. As I can tell there really is no other reason to choose one over the other besides that. I am of course open to input.

When is the next question. As a starting point for discussion I'm going to say 6pm server time on Saturday. There is no other motivation for this besides that it's convenient for me! If anyone reading has a better reason for a different time I'm all ears!


BIG Industries Transport Services, Pathfinder XV
If organizers are interested, we can setup a couple scheduled flights paid by the organizers/members of the event. This could be included in the planning to encourage more of a turn out.

Chris Spencer Schmidt

Active Member
I would like to raise the topic.
Some ideas were so called, why do not we grab it at times as CyreneCom?
We could for us first begin and then remove it when it works.

Chris Spencer Schmidt

Active Member
Will not give up. ;) We could but by our Socs try advertising for a Market Day to boost on other planets. My Soc is distributed to different planets and they were there to make sure.
You could try it a try.

Chris Spencer Schmidt

Active Member
Will not give up. ;) We could but by our Socs try advertising for a Market Day to boost on other planets. My Soc is distributed to different planets and they were there to make sure.
You could try it a try.